Sunday, April 7, 2013

Giving Up on Perfect Weather

"Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still."

_apr6a2Our internet and cell has been restored. It certainly isn’t anything to brag about. It’s slow but it works and that’s the norm for here. However, this location has never had great internet and we know it’ll be that way as long as we’re here.

We had an outside campfire

Our motorhome has finally been cleaned out from all the “stuff” we had accumulated over the winter months.  It’s amazing how much one can accumulate.   From papers to canned _apr6a1goods to clothes to electronics, we definitely accumulated and packed away too much stuff. Now there’s a bigger question we’re asking ourselves.  What is it we’re going to do with all of it?   For one thing …. we have decided all of it is not going to be moved back into the RV when we head out in the fall.  It's not going to happen.

Our new inside “campfire”

It was just one week ago we left the Elks and moved into our little “cabin”.  At that time the sun was shining and the weather was gorgeous.  It didn’t stay that way.  We fled from Arizona because of the heat.  We hurried our northern travels because of the California rains.  Now the intermittent rain has caught up.  It’s not cold because we’ve dressed accordingly.  When I read about all the other folks struggling with high winds and snow, I’m happy we’re dealing with a little rain instead of bigger issues.  We’ve definitely given _apr61up on trying to find perfect weather for a while.  It probably just doesn’t exist.

What have we been doing?  Well, we got three bids from a contractor to do projects around the “cabin”.  We used him last year, the year before that and the year before that.   Either prices have skyrocketed, it was more work than we thought or he didn’t want the jobs.  He did say he was slammed.  The total bid came in almost three times higher than we expected!  Obviously, we’ve decided to go another route. 

Getting a few supplies at Home Depot

Our first task is to replace the front door and remove two long windows.   The bid was $2800 with us providing the door and hardware.  We figure we can finish it for about $400 excluding the cost of the door with the help of our neighbor … who just happens to be an unemployed builder right now.  We’ll see as this project starts on Sunday but we're thinking we just may save $2400 on this piece of it and the savings just get bigger.

Our next project will be a partial wall.  We had a drive dug out last year for an RV spot and _apr63driveway.  We want to finish off the 3’ of dirt with some type of wall.  This project won’t get started for another couple weeks as neighbor has another job to finish first.  However, the bid for this was $4900 for a wood retaining wall.  We figure the cost of this to us will be under $1200 using blocks instead of wood. 

Boys job was to put table together

Third project is a deck.  The bid for a 12x18 deck was $5900.  We’ve adjusted the size to 8X20 to eliminate leveling and calculate the total cost of this to us will be around $1400. Our order has  already been submitted to Home Depot for delivery.  Now you know what we’ve been working on.

Tammi and Robert are developing a recreational lot. We’ve felt it our duty to check on them and see what _apr65they’re up to from time to time.

Girls job was to paint it.

After all of this planning and working, we’re going to need a vacation.  That will happen pretty soon as we still have a car in Arizona that needs to get moved north.  In the meantime, we’re feeding the feral cats, the birds and the deer.  Our grocery bill is definitely going up.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. You certainly have you projects all lined up for this year. Looks like you will be ready for a vacation soon.

  2. Do you have a booster?

    That "inside" campfire looks like it is going to keep you two nice and toasty.

    With all your improvements, your property is going to be worth twice as much as you paid only a short time ago. Good deal!

  3. Love your campfire. That would be nice to settle around in the evenings after you've worked yourselves to death on the projects. I was hoping this summer might be more relaxing for you but definitely not. It is really going to be a perfect spot when you finish even if you can't find perfect weather. Still warm down here.

  4. Your fun place is way too much work. When does the relaxing start?

  5. You certainly have enough major projects underway to keep you busy for the next few months. Remember to take some time to sit in front of that new fire pit and relax a bit - on those rainy days.

    If you keep 'saving money' by doing these projects yourself you'll have to think of more just to keep saving. At least, that's what Paulette always tells me!

  6. Are you serious? Your inside campfire is beautiful.

    God, it makes no sense. He is Doug, carpenter extraordinare, with no money. Here are you guys with all these ridiculous bids. Sheesh!

  7. So this is your relaxing, retired lifestyle? I think you need to get jobs, go back to work and slow down! :c)

    I think it's a great idea to do your own work. A penny saved is a penny for the gas tank...

  8. Jeri, if I hadn't done all of the renovations on this house myself, we might as well have lived in our RV for the rest of our days. It was THE ONLY way we could do it.


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