Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Stuff at Q


“If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?”

I mentioned in my post yesterday that I had snapped a picture of a Texas metal art and sent it to our daughter, Tammi.  I didn’t send the picture when we were at the vendor.  I sent it as we were on our way to the Elks BOF auction.  That was mistake #1.  Well, she wanted us to buy it for her so Friday morning that was our mission.  We went back to Tyson Wells to pick up the one item.


Mistake #2 was when I snapped another picture of another item.  She wanted it too.  I’ve decided no more pictures are going that way.  We won’t have room to carry it all back to her.

I loved these boots!

A whole bunch of vendors were at the west end of Main Street that we hadn’t visited yet.  Friday was the day to check them out.  In the past there have also been vendors behind the stores that faced Main Street where Addicted to Deals is located.  There are none there this year.  Now whether they’ve moved elsewhere or whether there just aren’t enough vendors to fill the spaces, I have no idea.  There are lots of vendors and friday4if this had been our first year, we would have thought the place was packed.  Well, maybe because it really is packed but not to the same level as in the past.

We had always wondered what was in the big red tent that advertised an auction but had never stopped before.  Auction is in the back but this is the tent.  It’s more stuff.

It’s amazing how one day can make a difference.  Just a couple days ago the RV sites on Rice Ranch were almost empty.  That’s not the case anymore.  The place is almost full.  The Big Tent is opening this morning and the RVs are coming in by the droves.  Traffic is getting worse but we know it’s not the worst is going to be.  It’s going to get real bad this week.  At times it’ll almost be to a standstill.  We know.  Been there …. done that.


We checked out some flag poles at the vendors.  We’ve always wanted a flag pole.  Once we friday3bought one but that was about three years ago.  It was a pile of junk and took quite an effort to put up. Yesterday we saw some heavy duty ones and brackets to just slip the pole in.  Will we get one?  Who knows.  We want to check out the Big Tent before we get anything.

Late in the afternoon I noticed my iPhone had the little message across the top … No Signal.  Terry’s phone and our aircard had no signal either.  Well, neither did a few others in our group. It took about 5 hours for our phones to again have service.  Is it because the thousands of folks coming into this area are slamming the system?  Perhaps.  We’ve seen this before with other networks. 

There was a campfire again last night.  I’m thinking it was probably the first time I haven’t gone to one in the four years we’ve been doing this but it just felt good to unwind myself a tad.

Need Propane?  Call Passmore Gas.

American Idols is back on for another season.  I recorded the shows Wednesday and Thursday.  It’s been my favorite show in the past but I really disliked Nicki and her role as a judge.  I REALLY disliked it.  Will I continue to watch?  I don’t know.

Yes, we're busy and my blogs have been daily.  If they aren't, I'll forget so here is yesterday's ... 

Gathering of the RVs in Quartzsite

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Thanks for a great tour of the Q. Great to see the weather warming up for the big show too.

    I'm not a big Idol fan but I sure can't stand this year's judges - they suck!

  2. We have noticed too over the years less vendors, behind addicted to deals and even less in other places as well. But there is still lots to see. Thanks for taking us along.

  3. Tammi cracks me up. She acts like she has unlimited funds. MayTammi cracks me up. She acts like she has unlimited funds. Maybe she does. What do I know!

    Are one tank just ran out of propane this morning. Send them over she does how do I know.

  4. I really hate traffic congestion. Should we come? After reading your post I'm not so sure anymore.

    1. Usually during this time of year there is a lot of traffic. The secret is going early or going late. The Big Tent brings the traffic. However, the traffic in Quartzsite is nothing like the traffic can get in Yuma.

  5. I think you need to bring Tammi with you and let her so her own shopping. Geez, you only have so much CCC!


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