It had been mighty windy across Texas. However, regardless of the winds it was
soon time to leave Fredericksburg and head a little farther northeast. The winds were fairly light, not calm, but lighter than they had been. It was a nice ride and we saw many more bluebonnets. Other than actually passing through the small towns the speed limit on the back two lane highways was pretty much 70 mph. We were a little surprised it was so fast with all the driveways and little towns on this route.
Our next destination was the Thousand Trails park on Lake Whitney. We had been there many times back when we lived in Texas and were curious about changes. The biggest change we noticed was all the rough roads in the park! In the end though it was nice having a site without a neighbor right out our door. We had a block of trees on each side so even though the wind was blowing all around us, we didn’t feel much. The worst part was our Wi-Fi was almost non-existent at times.
Our truck was filthy and unlike Arizona the water from the carwashes don’t leave white spots on your vehicle in Texas. We were happy to get that done. After that it was in to the little town of Hillsboro to find an AT&T store since Terry’s phone had bit the dust. Getting a new phone is always a pain but it needed to be done
Buck went with us on our trip to the Lake Whitney dam. He even had an opportunity to wade in the water. Then, it was to the other side of the dam to check out Lofer’s Loop Campground. It’s a COE park and it was gorgeous. We love the COE’s and they are a bargain at just $9 a night with the right Federal discount card.
At first we thought we wouldn’t be able to go through the Roadside America Museum because a website indicated it was only open by appointment. We were glad we drove by anyway because that just wasn’t true. It is open during the day for tours.
It was like a blast from the past. There were so many things to see and to enjoy. The owner does most of the work restoring his treasures himself. We loved it.
After three nights it was time to move along again. This time we were heading to Ennis for their Bluebonnet Festival. It was a short 52 mile drive and we certainly were hoping for at least decent Wi-Fi. We drove through one little town after another. We went through Italy, Texas on our way and noticed all these igloo type (dome) homes. Interesting to find out they were low cost rentals.
It was 18 miles farther and we pulled into another COE park on Lake Bardwell and at $9 a night, it was a bargain also.
You just never know who you're going to run into next. Or, do you? Deb and Mike were just around the corner. Rumor had it that Janice and Jerry were going to be showing up soon too. Sounds like party time to me! After all it was Bluebonnet Festival time in Ennis.
First on the agenda was getting a map of the Bluebonnet trails. Then, we were off to check out our first field . People were everywhere and so were the flowers. Beautiful.
When Mike and Terry headed into Waxahachie to look for some truck parts the following morning, Deb and I headed to more bluebonnet trails. We wanted to beat the rush and I’m sure we had more fun than the boys! It was field after field and picture after picture.
Friday was the first official day of the Bluebonnet Festival and we decided to check it out before all the rest of the people showed up.
Not only did the festival begin on Friday but also Jerry and Janice arrived. They weren’t parked in the same loop as us but with a group of “Runaway” trailers. How cute! I think even a motorcycle could pull one of those … maybe.
It was dinner at the Firehouse Grill and Texas catfish for some. There were eight of us which included Mike’s brother and SIL who had arrived from Ohio. It was just more good times with folks on the road.
Saturday brought in a thunderstorm. We had rain, thunder and lightening. Oh the memories that brought of Texas weather. However, we still headed back to the festival grounds and got soaked before calling it a day. Then, we decided to fill up our propane tanks so back into town! That’s when we discovered that our little “Gadabout” might be a 2014 but that date had nothing to do with the dates on the propane tanks. One tank on it was an old, old one. Needless to say, we needed to replace it.
Back at camp …….
There’s always a project going on. This time it was installing a new gas tank. Mike and Jim installed. Jerry and Terry watched.
Then it was eight for dinner while Deb and Mike hosted. Yum! The time went too fast. Our gathering was coming to a close.
On Monday Jim and Deb headed to Ohio. Jerry and Janice to south Texas. We did laundry and Deb and Mike worked on getting ready for their long trip to Alaska.
Next stop for us was Arkansas. We heard it calling in the distance . It was just under 300 miles on mainly back roads and some of those roads were sure windy. Tons more bluebonnets lined the Texas road as we headed east. Soon we’ll be meeting up with Anders and Cheryl. And, maybe Jim and Sandi Anderson if we can convince them they need to dig for diamonds too.
‘Tis life on the road !
Amazing acres of flowers
ReplyDeleteDome homes are supposed to be energy efficient. I wonder if those rental units are?
ReplyDeleteLove that area around Lake Whitney and the Blue Bonnets we missed this year, Nice to hear from you again nice to see you are having fun and meeting up with friends again.
ReplyDeleteYour title caught my eye! What beautiful pictures and great places to be. Especially nice to meet up with friends. Love the COE parks, much better bargain than most State parks to be sure! Gorgeous blue bonnets!
ReplyDeleteThe bluebonnets were gorgeous this time of year. Perfect timing. COE was booked solid but at $9 a night what a deal!
DeleteI once owned that exact Chevy truck on display at Roadside America. I better go there and get it back! ;c)