Saturday, January 16, 2016

Tampa RV Show, Manatee and a Nasty Storm


We had always heard that the Tampa RV Show was one of the biggest and best.  It’s not just the RVs that are for sale but hundreds of vendors show up.  The vendors give away numerous prizes, free stays at RV parks and many other name recognition gifts.  We had been to other RV shows but this our first visiting the one in Tampa.  I have to agree that what we’ve been told is the truth.  It really was awesome.


We made the approximately 130 mile journey north to Tampa with Jerry and Janice.  It was definitely a full day and we spent it with thousands of people.  The most surprising thing was actually running into people we knew among the throngs of folks. 

It was fun.  There was a lot more going on than just RVs and vendors.  There was also entertainment.   and we walked away with a bunch of free giveaways. 

Jan15_07 Jan15_08

There was lots more than the typical RV to see.  Some we liked and some not so much.  By the time we arrived home, we were all zonked.


It’s January in Florida and that usually means that the Manatees will start moving into the rivers soon.  We had been told the river that runs through our RV park normally is full of Manatees towards the end of the month.  Well, the first one has arrived.  Now we can hardly wait for the rest of them!


A nasty storm moved through our area on Friday.  It brought heavy rain, thunder, lightening, wind and even a tornado.  We did venture out in it to make the short trip to the beach. 

Photos don’t capture the wind but the palm trees were swaying and the waves were coming.   Walking out on the beach was painful due the sand pitting the skin so that was a quick lesson.  Taking pictures was only accomplished if I was hiding behind the foilage.


The storm has now moved on and Saturday should be nice.  We may even decide to catch a movie.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Always lots to see and do at the rv shows, maybe one day we will get there.

  2. Happy to hear the nasty weather has moved out. So which new RV did you buy?

  3. We really enjoy watching the Manatees. What fun to have them right there in the park.
    Would you please not go out there when there is a tornado in the area!

  4. Glad you didn't get swept away in the storm.
    We have enjoyed swimming with the Manatee twice but at 42 F it is not for the faint of heart.
    The Tampa Rv Show is about the same as the Hershey RV Show. You can camp at the Fairgrounds for the week which not only gives you unlimited entrees into the show but nightly entertainment after the show shuts down for the day. hope to do it again in the future.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Funny you found a big crowd of RVers to spend the day with, when normally you'd being doing that in Q this week :) Wonderful to have such close access to the manatees.

  6. We've never been to the Tampa show but at other shows I try to be careful about those vendor booths so I don't accidentally sign up for something I don't want to win. :)

  7. We could trade you a blizzard for the storm you had. Busy shoveling that white stuff today.

  8. When we lived on the shore, we loved watching the storms on the ocean. Of course, the "Perfect Storm" had us stranded for a week with no power and no way to get to mainland.

    Nice to see the manatees coming to visit. Certainly something you don't see in Q in January! :c)

  9. What a treat to see the manatees...
    Love, love the breach photos with the sea oats!

  10. Well now we have nice weather. Finally we can sit outside and last night we had a fire with friends. Some new some old.

    Manatees - I'm not sure.

  11. We would have liked to visit the RV show but glad we missed the storm. Will be heading to that area for the FL State Winnie rally next month.


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