Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blogger Fest 2016

Blogger-Fest 2015 is behind us but Blogger-Fest 2016 is just a few days away.  Last year it was a HUGE success and I'm sure this year it will be bigger and better than ever.

This is part of my blog that followed the event.  Hopefully, you'll plan on attending on January 23, 2016.  Details below.

Blogger-Fest was one big success.  Over 50 people showed up, set up their chairs, introduced themselves and then mingled.  Finally it was time to put faces to the different blogs we had followed.  George (George and Suzy’s blog) was truly missed.  He and I had originally schemed to put this Blogger-Fest together.  Due to circumstances beyond his control, he was not able to attend.  Sandie (Where are the Dixons blog) and Marsha  (Where’ s Weaver blog) stepped up and offered to help.  With the three of us we were able to pull it all together.  Thanks to both of them for helping make this event a very successful one.  Now it’s over and we’ll see what happens next year.  Maybe we’ll make this an annual event.  It definitely was a fun one.  Even the weather cooperated …. except, the wind could have died down a bunch.

Photo taken by the Bayfield Bunch!blogger

It’s unusual to see yourself plastered in pictures on so many blogs.  One thing about bloggers is that everyone arrives with a camera and photo shots are happening all over the place.  Then, after it’s over and done, everyone shares those photos.  Over the last few days many bloggers posted those shared photos and I’ve had to “borrow” some.  Thank you so much and what fun!  

Group_b3 Group_b4

Group_b6 Group_b5

This is our year for Florida but hopefully we'll see you all again in 2017.  Watch for the "Circle of Wagons" with Bloggers in January 2017.


Another Arizona sunset

‘Tis life on the road!


  1. Thanks for the update, we will miss you guys this year, hopefully next year.
    I see you are enjoying Florida.

  2. we will be there this year, it is the main reason we are in Quartzsite. Merikay and Craig

  3. The more names who "chime in", the more bummed I am we can't stick around to meet everybody! Hopefully we can do it next year :-)

  4. January 2017? Hmm, that actually might work for us. Third time could be the charm.

  5. It was a great time last year, Jeri. Good work doing all the organizing. Glad we could be part of it. I am sure with George and Toni handling things this year, it will be a success!

  6. If things go as planned for Joe..... we may be there in 2017 too


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