Saturday, February 21, 2015

Finally … Hawaii Bound ?

Getting together with others we know is a pretty common thing during the months of January and February.  That’s especially true if we happen to be in Arizona during those months. Friday was no exception and we were busy at the SanTan Brewery passing along stories and telling lies. The little town of Chandler does have a cute downtown area with several unique shops and restaurants.  It’s definitely worth a trip if you’re in the area.  We had a fun, fun time.

What a group this was for sure!

After our little get together we noticed a Farmer’s Market getting ready to set up across the street.  We were too early for most of it but we did find something we wanted.  We had been looking for a very small table this size so it didn’t table1__1take much thinking to make up our mind that we had to have it.

We made another discovery.  Murphy’s Law Irish Pub was just down the main walkway.  We hadn’t been there but certainly wanted to.  Quickly we jotted it down on our next must-do place.  With a phone call to Terry’s mom, we put an invite out for the very next day.  We have very few days left in this area and knew we had to make the most out of the ones we do have left.   We also knew the very next day was going to be a busy one.  After all, we had to get ready for our trip to Hawaii.  Packing a lot of stuff isn’t our thing but we still had to assemble a few things.  With packing what little we were going to take and getting everything else in order, the lunch at Murphy’s Law needed to be a quick one.

20fe1__4It wasn’t as quick as we hoped but the food was certainly good.  All three of us ordered Shepherd’s Pie.  It was a little different than what we had tasted previously but very good.  Another thing they had on their menu was sliders – corned beef and cabbage sliders.  I sure would have liked to have tasted those.  As it was none of us could finish the huge portion we were served of Shepherd Pie and we all walked out with leftovers.

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__Hawaii_11[7]Like I said, I knew Saturday would be a busy day.  It wasn’t all just packing and securing.  I knew much of it would be spent figuring out just how we were going to get from the Phoenix airport to the Honolulu airport.  Flights were pretty full and I figured this might call for “creative” flying.   First I thought we might have to go from Phoenix to Las Vegas to Los Angeles to Honolulu.  Then, I discovered a flight from Phoenix to Long Beach with a shuttle to Los Angeles and then to Honolulu.  With a little more research a better option showed up.  This was  a flight on Delta from Phoenix to Los Angeles with lots of empty seats!  Now we just hoped the flight stayed that way.  Once in LA, there were better options for the final leg of the trip – LAX to HNL – and the flights looked like a piece of cake. 

Researching hotels in the Waikiki area was another interesting task for Saturday.  After all if we were traveling on Sunday, we needed some place to stay that night.  Hotels in Hawaii are not known for being cheap or even reasonable for that matter.  Finding a nice hotel within a couple blocks of the beach and under $200 a night can be difficult.  In addition to the room charge most hotels tack on a resort fee of at least $25+.   The resort fee  applies if the hotel isn’t on the beach!  I can now say mission accomplished.  We're ready to go but just have to wait until morning.  The alarm is set and everything else finished .... we hope.

Now that the plan is in place and the details figured out, all I can say is I hope it stays that way.  I hope no airline cancels a flight and puts their passengers on mine.  I hope there aren’t any mechanical issues that cause an airplane to be grounded.  I don’t have a crystal ball.  All I can do right now is cross my fingers and hope at this time tomorrow night that I’m watching the sunset from Waikiki just like when I took this picture last August.

When we return we’ll have a couple more days before we pull our motorhome out of its site and head south towards Tucson.  It’ll be good to get on the road again.

‘Tis life on the road …. and, sometimes in the air.

PS ... One more thing.  We did get the kayak we were floating in the pool (from our previous blog) back into the bag without too much difficulty.  Whee!  It was much easier than we thought it would be.


  1. Yipee! You are on your way to HI! Wishing you a safe and uneventful flight. Enjoy the beauty of the islands.

  2. I hope everything works out and the universe cooperates. Next post from .... Hawaii! Have a good flight. :)

  3. Wonderful to hear that everything came together and you're off again. Have a fantastic time in Hawaii and hopefully all the flights work out just fine.

  4. Have a great time in Hawaii! So thankfu that everything worked smoothly for your departure.

  5. You guys are just having way too much fun there, that Happy hours looks like a ffun time too.
    Lots of pictures from Hawaii please.

  6. I have never been to Hawaii...sure would like to go someday! Hope everything holds together and you are walking on the beach soon! Have a safe trip and enjoy!

  7. Always nice to find the perfect size piece of furniture - and hand built is a great bonus! You did pick the only day we've had rain for quite a while, but hopefully that means LAX will be "light" today :-) You pros will handle whatever the travel day gives you and be ready for a nice island getaway. Enjoy!

  8. I remember the huge hassle we had at Honolulu airport. Hope everything goes smoothly and we see you soon in Tucson.

  9. I'm aghast that you sat around that table and told lies to your friends. What are you doing, planning to run for congress???

    You are the Queen of the Skies the way you can find perfect flights to where you're going. Enjoy Hawaii and get plenty of rest. You're going to need it for hitting the congressional campaign trail!!! :cD

    1. Silly boy. I'd be running in the opposite direction.

  10. Aloha, mes amis.

    I spent some time reading your Yelps. I hope you didn't spend $120 for lunch at Gordon Ramsey's. I would love to go but maybe I would have just a glass of water.

  11. $200 a night ! YIKES !! I 'specks I won't be going to Hawaii anytime in the near future. LOL Have a GREAT time.

    1. We noticed a few folks with tents under an overpass. Perhaps, that's the best way to skip the hotel or resort fees.


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