Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Desert Dwellers

"One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us.

The desert fills up during the winter months.  Retirees from all over head south.  It’s their golden years and having that golden sunshine is their winter time goal.

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They travel in cars, planes and, of course, in their own RVs.  Some end up in rented homes for several months, others pull into resort parks and even more find a place away from it all.   Some are snowbirds and some are wandering souls.  Some may think they all have a lot in common.  They do but they really don’t.  

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Some RVers are nesters and nest in one spot all winter.  Others are wanderers and enjoy checking out one place after another.  Not all RVers search for the same thing. There are those who prefer the amenities of RV resorts and then there are those who prefer the wide open spaces of the desert.  There definitely is a difference in the mindset.  There definitely is a difference in the people.  However, there also is a similarity.

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The living quarters vary greatly among the wanderers.  Some wouldn’t have anything other than top of the line Prevost quarters and others can find their enjoyment in much less fancy dwellings.  Just like every place and everyone else, some folks are strapped financially and some folks not so much.  One thing for sure … you can’t tell the size of a bank account by what they choose to set up and settle in over the winter … or anywhere else for that matter.

Some folks are showy and some folks not at all. Some folks try to impress and others are just happy being themselves. Everyone is different and winter desert dwellers are even very different from each other.

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The deserts of Arizona and California are amazing places.  All kinds can congregate together and for the most part folks can live peacefully together for a short period of time.  The larger groups usually get together for shorter periods of time.  Some smaller groups stick together all winter long.

Like I said, in the desert you meet all kinds.  As a fellow “dweller” indicated, you meet many new people.  Some of those people will always be acquaintances and others will become friends.  In the same way some acquaintances will end up being friends and some friends will end up just being acquaintances.  It’s definitely an interesting place to be.

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Some are equipped with solar and have no need for any other means than the sun to keep their TVs and other electrical equipment running.  Propane runs the refrigerators and keeps the frost off during the occasional cold winter day.

Many rigs are definitely self-contained.  Extra barrels are used to collect water and other barrels used to empty the tanks.  Living on the desert is easy and simple. Of course, the secret is not to mix up the two barrels.


When the  time comes to leave the desert folks head in all directions.  Some attach to others and meet on down the road looking for another adventure together.  Others head back to where they came from, the same nest, the same surroundings and the same people.  The similarities is what keeps people together.  The differences are what keep them apart.  Amazing … huh?

On the BLM in the desert of Arizona that time is coming to an end for many folks in our group.  Some are heading north, some south, west and east.  Winter isn’t over but it’s just about time to move the adventure elsewhere.  Besides that … the $40 fee for the two week stay is just about over. There are many free areas without the fee and many other places to go.  Some are talking about a few days clean-up time in a park with full hookups.  Others are talking about new places to explore.  What are we talking about?  Well, you might guess.  We have no idea where we’re going to head.  We just know that it’s time we stopped to think about it.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Very good summary of the many lifestyles that make up the winter RVing community. The same is mostly true here in the Rio Grande Valley and I expect Florida would be as well.

  2. Good description of what it's all about.

  3. I'm so glad we are not all alike. What a boring world that would be. Good post!

  4. so nice to hear that we are not all the same! and great to see all the different types of RV's..from tents and pop ups to the big behemoths! :)

  5. That about sums it up for the desert, great description of the going's on there. Time for new places and new faces.

  6. I remember seeing all those different living quarters. Some of them were very interesting. I guess...to each his own.

  7. The only thing missing in all the desert beauty was us! Next year and we'll bring some firewood for the campfire. :c)

  8. Jeri, You DO always write such great posts.

    "Some RVers are nesters and nest in one spot all winter." That's not me - yet. Never say never, but for now I like moving around every couple of weeks.

  9. I like moving, too. And I like having no plan. Today someone asked me if I'll go to Plamosa next and I said I'd know when I did or did not make the turn.


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