Sunday, February 15, 2015

RootsTech and Back to Phoenix

_Roots__9We only have a couple weeks left in the Phoenix area and it’s definitely going to be a busy two weeks.  That should actually be no different than the last two weeks ... busy, busy.  We’ve had a lot on our calendar and we hope to eventually come up for air.  However, we don’t see any relief in the next few weeks.

Saturday night we returned from another whirlwind trip.  This time it was from Salt Lake City and the RootsTech Conference.  Every bit of energy in this aging body had been zapped out over the last few days.  So much was going on that it was difficult to do everything and see everything else but we sure gave it a try.

To begin with we arrived in Salt Lake City just as planned Thursday morning.  I had hoped to get registered at the conference and to one of the first classes I hoped to attend by 11:00.  That didn’t happen.  Using Salt Lake's Light Rail from the airport is a snap and probably faster than any taxi.  The reduced fare is $1.25 per person and it can have you down to Temple Square in a few short minutes.  That wasn’t the problem.

The problem was that there are two Marriott Hotels in the vicinity.  I only knew of one.  Obviously, I didn’t do my research.  I assumed I booked the Marriott right across from the Salt Palace where the conference was being held.  I didn’t.  I booked the other one.  Getting to the second Marriott is where the problem was.  Oh well, with that behind us, we finally got checked in and back to the Salt Palace.  Let the fun begin … or so I thought.

_Roots__6The Salt Palace was packed and I do mean packed!  Officials estimated there were between 7,000 to 8,000 attendees.  I don’t believe they were prepared to handle that many people.  Some of the classes filled up while previous classes were still going on.  It wasn’t uncommon to be turned away due to no space.  Some of the speakers had products to sell but most not.  Some were pretty elementary.  The popular ones didn’t have enough space.

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There were also hundreds of exhibitors.  Now this was fun and easy to spend hours just talking to them.  I guess you had to figure all the exhibitors were there to sell you a new tool or access to a new website or whatever else that might be associated with genealogy.  However, that was fun but it was packed too!

The one thing both of us enjoyed the most was the Open Session Friday morning.  Laura Bush and her daughter, Jenna, were the speakers.  No, it wasn’t about politics.  Laura Bush had been a teacher and a Librarian.  It was about family and she had most of us in stitches laughing much of the time.  However, again it was packed.

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Saturday was Valentine’s Day and it was also Sandi’s 18th birthday.  Since everyone had a pretty full schedule on that day, Tammi planned a Happy Birthday party for Sandi at 7:00 in the morning.  It just happened to be the only time everyone was available.  So, at 7:00 AM everyone showed up at her house to wake her up and wish her a Happy Birthday. Surprise!!  Robert had us on Skype so we could be there and Tammi had Justin on Skype so he could be there too!  Needless to say, Sandi was pretty surprised.  She has her departure date now.  It's July 1st .... Anchors Away, Sandi!

Several geneology TV shows were being taped while there. I'm not sure what ones were going on but there obviously was a lot of taping.  Now whether it was the Genealogy Roadshow or Who Do you Think You Are ... I have no clue.

For RVers ….. Know what this is?  It’s a bathtub filled with bubble bath.  That’s one advantage of staying in a hotel!

Since we had an early evening flight out Saturday, some of Saturday was spent at the Family History Library.  From there it was back on the Light Rail to the airport for our return trip to Phoenix.  Just in our seats on the airplane a text message came through telling us to meet at a restaurant in Phoenix in 20 minutes.  Terry’s cousin decided to visit for a week and the family had organized a get together in his honor.  Huh?  Well, we knew we would be in trouble but there was no way we could attend that.  I guess we’ll be putting visiting on our schedule for Sunday since Terry hasn't seen his cousin in over twenty years.


Snow in the mountains!

Terry has a doctor appointment in Portland on Wednesday.  We had figured we’d both head up and visit the Kids.  However, checking flights we’re not so sure that’s going to happen.  Now that's just something else I have to work on.  We had forgot about the President’s Day “holiday” on the 16th.  That usually means flights are full as workers take advantage of a 3 or 4 day weekend. 

Anyone notice something different on this blog?  (Other than you, Paul.)

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Well more whirlwind travels for you guys, way to busy for us.
    We like to take it slow and easy.
    Nope I did not notice anything different sorry, but I just read the content and look at the pictures.

  2. Your ticker is gone. So is mine.

    See you soon.

  3. I would have loved to been at the Bush seminar - I like Laura Bush, and have seen Jenna on some of the morning shows lately. She's pretty cool, too, and so down to earth. As usual after I read your post, all I see in my mind is a whirl wind ascending into the sky. Whew! Busy Busy! :)

    1. Laura Bush was excellent and what a sense of humor.

  4. Nicely done. I know you're proud of your grandkids, they are heroes in my eyes. :c)

  5. Oh what a treat hearing Barbara and Jenna.

    What a nice way to celebrate Sandi’s 18th bday. Skype is such a neat program.

    When we are at the house in Ohio, I take a bath every day! I love it!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I would love to have seen Laura Bush...such an elegant lady!
    I can't remember the last time I had a bath!

  7. Two stars on your flag. Do I win a prize??? Would love to see Laura Bush.

  8. Wow! I'm not surprised at the turnout though, genealogy has become so popular with all the websites and the DNA testing. How great that you two can take in all the things you love to do at a pace that works for you! Every time a take a bath I think "now this I will miss".

    1. The bath was definitely a treat but now that we're back, a shower will have to do.


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