Friday, February 6, 2015

New Restaurants and Kayak Decisions

4feb__6It’s no secret that we like to experience eating at unique places and different restaurants.  Matter of fact, we try to search them out.  One place we hadn’t been in years was Rustler’s Rooste.  We were anxious to go there but not so sure we were up for dinner.  We really wanted to check out the view more than anything.  So, that’s exactly what we did.  We went for appetizers at Happy Hour.

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The view of Phoenix was gorgeous but it would have been so much better at sunset when the whole city lights up.  The restaurant was pretty much what I had remembered with the western atmosphere and sawdust on the floor. It's definitely a nice place.  However, now that we’ve visited even if it was only for appetizers, we’re satisfied and there are so many other places to visit.

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6feb__7Terry’s mom has had to go through more medical  “procedures” and Terry has spent a few nights recently at her house playing nurse.  I think we’re moving on past that though as time heals which is a very good thing.  She's actually getting around to wanting to do a few things now.

6feb__2On Thursday, she decided she was ready to go out for lunch.   Normally she’s content visiting the same restaurants over and over again.  Enough of that I thought.  It was time to take her to a new one and even one we hadn’t tried yet.   She had no idea where we were going until Terry pulled into the parking lot of Can’t Stop Smokin’ BBQ in Chandler.  Even we hadn’t been to his one but we had been at Rudy’s BBQ across the street.  We didn’t care for Rudy's at all.   We were hoping this one would be good and it was!  We really had a winner and especially because even MIL was happy with our choice. 

During the day we’ve been going for walks or riding our bikes around the area.  We had noticed a whole row of orange trees next to the local dairy.  The oranges were going to waste.  So, Terry decided to pull a "Delcie" and borrow a few.  I was the first one to taste though – not him.   I can tell you this.  They definitely were not oranges you’d want to eat.  I’m sure there must be a class of non-edible oranges as these definitely weren't ones you'd want to eat.  Ick!

Friday will be a casino day.  MIL has decided that she’s now ready to return to the casino.  She hasn’t been there in quite a while.  She didn’t want to go out before with bandages all over her face.  Now they’re down to just a couple and she feels much better about being in public.  Here’s hoping our casino time is  just going to be a couple hours and not most of the day as she’s known for. 

1or2Decisions, decisions.  We’re still debating on what inflatable kayaks to get.  It’s really a hard decision for us.  We’ve read all the reviews at least a couple times but nothing really tells how well you’ll like one until you actually sit in itswing1 and try it yourself.  We know they aren’t like our hard shell ones we left in Washington but we certainly want them to be close.  The debate isn’t just about the brand.  We aren’t quite sure whether to get a tandem or a couple singles.  Decisions, decisions – Advanced Elements or Innova?  Or, maybe there’s another one we’ve missed.

Here we sit in Arizona.  The weather has been gorgeous.  Matter of fact, the winter weather this year has been about the best ever.  Our plans have us heading to Tucson in less than a month for Escapade.  After that we were going to start heading East.  First it was Dallas and a couple of months later we figured the timing might be right to put our levels down in Norfolk for a while.  After all, that's where Justin will be …………. Except, wait!!  That was before I received an email from him a couple days ago.  If we end up in Norfolk, he probably won't be there.  New orders are expected within the next day or two.  He has a couple ideas  where he could be sent but until he sees the orders in writing, nothing is concrete.  After all, this is the Navy.   I offered to call his Admiral but he didn’t seem to think it would do much good .  So for now, our calendar is sitting there waiting for a few erasures to hit it real soon.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. the two of you sure keep yourselves busy! enjoy the sunshine..raining and windy here on the coast!

  2. Gotta love that amazing weather, and looks like you are enjoying it enough for us too!

  3. I am glad we are in Casa Grande after seeing your photos with the smog. I don't think it would be healthy for Bill to be breathing all that.
    Don and Sharon Del Rosario had the same problem about their kayaks. They rented a double one with us one time in Michigan and found that the double allowed one of them take more photos. After that they ordered the double inflatable and were very pleased with the customer service helping them decide what was best for them.

  4. We will be in the Norfolk area so come on over!!!!

  5. I've been thinking about our journey to Montana and trying to figure out someway to get there that we haven't done a million times already. Smokin' sounds really good. The next time we get a craving for BBQ we're going to check it out. I know nothing about kayaks so good luck with your decision.

  6. Oh no...if mom is ready to start doing things, look out casinos! How funny....I wrote this comment even before I read about MIL wanting to go to the casino. Guess I know MIL pretty

    Sorry I can't give you any help about inflatable kayaks. We know nothing about them.

    Looking forward to hearing where Justin will be next. What an adventure.

  7. Sounds like you found some "Wild Oranges". At least that's what the Sour Oranges were called in Central, CA where I grew up. It is also the "Root Stock" for both Navel and Valencia Oranges. Actually you should go pick a bunch more and Juice them. The Juice works very well in Marinades and just plain Cooking. In many cases it is better than either Lemon or Lime. Ok, enough of the lessons for today. Now go forth and have more FUN.


  8. That BBQ looks really good. I'm sitting here, hungry, watching Rachael on TV and that's not helping. Then during the commercial I read your post. Time for lunch!

    I got a kick out of you offering to call the Admiral - sound like something I'd do to my kids. Oh yeah, that would be a career enhancement for Justin for sure. :)

  9. Doug ate on orange off a tree in Casa Grande our first year. Same thing - horrible. We were told they aren't ready until the end of February.

    Son Jason has two inflatable kayaks, one single, one tandem. If you want to chat with him, I can arrange it. He loves them.

  10. Have you checked out Sea Eagle inflatable kayaks? Check them out at Tim and Crystal Ryerson are quite knowledgeable and helpful. Feel free to call them and they can help you compare the brands and make a recommendation. I highly recommend them! Also, you can see our Sea Eagle at Don now has a new seat and we hope to check it out in the next few days depending on weather in southern Louisiana.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. We've been busy checking out bunches. I'll check out your blog.

  11. I've lost count on how many kayaks you two have already bought and sold !! LOL

    1. Now wait a minute -- we have two hard sided kayaks in Washington but they're difficult to travel with. These are inflatables (blow ups) that can travel with us!

  12. Sacramento had a couple streets lined with ornamental oranges including the one between our office and our parking lot. What a mess they made! And no, you don't want to eat them :-( Glad for all that MIL is getting out again - the medicinal bbq probably helped :-)

  13. I feel Justin's pain never really knowing where he'll be stationed next until orders are in hand. Hope the next duty station will be to his liking and close to an airport where you can slip in for a visit.

    Norfolk? With the RV? Hmm, you've got me thinking it's been a while since we've seen that place.


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