Saturday, January 31, 2015

Super Bowl Festivities, Rudy's BBQ and American Sniper

30jan2015__2On my previous blog I posted a little about our activities visiting the Super Bowl Central in downtown Phoenix.  We actually had a blast doing that.  However, there were other Super Bowl festivities going on around the area that we just had to check out also.  To begin with that meant we needed to take a drive to the University of Phoenix stadium in Glendale.  Thursday was the day and it was suggested that we make the drive out there early.  After all, we wanted to avoid the traffic but still avoid the sightseeing crowds.  We did discover that the area had already been secured and no entry was allowed on the grounds. 

So, all I can say is …………   been there, done that and captured it with my camera.  Game day is when the area will be opened to ticket holders.  Alas, we have no tickets.  I can guarantee you that if we had bought any tickets, we would most definitely be offering them for sale and taking advantage of the huge profits being paid.    On TV we heard that if you were looking for 50-yard line tickets, you had to be prepared to fork over about $50,000  each!!

30jan2015__3ESPN was also involved in another Super Bowl event.  This one was the Scottsdale FanFest.  Of course, we also wanted to check that one out too.  It was close and we had to take a peak.  There were quite a few free samples given out and vendor booths but not as much going on in Scottsdale as the downtown event in Phoenix.  However, I can also now say …. been there, done that to Fanfest.



Originally Terry had a doctor’s appointment scheduled in Portland next Wednesday.  However, as you might imagine, Super Bowl put a glitch in that appointment.  Flights are pretty full getting out of the Phoenix airport next week.  His appointment had to be rescheduled which, of course, meant a lot of erasing and changing to the rest of the month. 

After all that driving around we were hungry. We love barbecue.  We previously had noticed two new BBQ restaurants across the Rudys__2street from each other in Chandler and decided to try one of them out.  We ended up going Rudy’s BBQ.   Just like all the super bowl locations above, we can say been there, done that and now don’t need to go back.  

The setup of Rudy's reminded us of Colter’s BBQ which we frequented when we lived in Texas.  However, the similarity stopped there.  Next, we’ll try out the BBQ across the street at Can’t Stop Smokin’ BBQ.  We do know that Joe’s BBQ in Gilbert and Famous Dave’s so far are the best we’ve found in this area.

Posted on the wall in several spots at Rudy’s was this sign about your mother not working there.  Is it supposed to be cute?  Most of us are familiar with picking up after ourselves at fast food restaurants but we hardly put this restaurant in the same class as McDonald’s.  We thought it a little tacky.  Our very favorite BBQ restaurant is the Big Bibb in San Antonio, Texas!

Fed and ready to do something else, we decided to take in American Sniper at the iMax Theater  in Tempe.  Now it’s been a long, long time since we’ve actually gone to a movie.  However, with the popularity of this movie, we wanted to see it. Besides that, it had even been a longer time since going to an iMax Theater.  Viewing any movie at an iMax is much better than a regular theater.  To begin with the aisles are wide, chairs are much more comfortable and the screen is absolutely huge.  I won't tell you I made myself sick eating all that junk at the theater.  Note to self --- don't eat so much junk food.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I overdosed on popcorn.

  2. What a great movie...we saw it yesterday.

  3. the best BBQ in Texas can be found at several locations in all in the town of Lockhart just outside of Austin...

    1. You just have to go to Big Bibb in San Antonio! The BBQ is to die for plus they'll give you free samples of just about everything on their menu. Another great place was in Blanco, TX. Haven't had BBQ in Lockhart. However, I'd recommend forgetting about Rudy's. Have you been to Joe's BBQ in Gilbert? It's about the best around here that we've tasted but haven't been in a couple years.

  4. hhmmm So you like BBQ. If Terry's appt. gets reschuduled in later in April, give us a shout and we'll treat you to lunch. BBQ of course.

    1. We LOVE BBQ. Where do you go to get it in Portland? We'll be up there off and on this summer.

  5. Well I am glad to hear you two had a good far. I bet the crowds are out of control today.

    Go Hawks.

  6. Like the Olympics, hosting the Super Bowl is such a huge boon to the local area. Glad to see you doing your part to hit all the highlights :-) But there would have to be more than a football game going on to tempt me to fork out the annual mortgage payment for seats! Bill is much pickier about his BBQ than I am so I always defer to his choices - I think we'll skip Rudy's.

  7. I'd have been sick just from all that activity never mind the food. I do like Junior Mints, though. And Milk Duds. And Whoppers. Good thing I no longer watch movies in places where I don't have a pause button. :)

  8. Too many movies with junk food and you won't fit in the seats. That's why we only eat healthy food at the movies. Believe that and I have a bridge to sell you... :c)

    Go Pats! (I have to say that to stay happily married. Marti is from Massachusetts)

  9. You didn't say what you thought of the movie. Oh yeah, I see in your comments to a comments. We thought it was great too but not the greatest. We have to remember that the reviewers are all much younger than us and didn't see at lot of the movies we did back in the 80's like Full Metal Jacket and Hamburger Hill. We also thought Hurt Locker was a better movie.

  10. Great time! It's fun to be in an area where something so special is going on. Lots of positive energyy in the air! I'm not an expert on BBQ, only had a pulled pork sandwich at a BBQ place once, but i thought it was fantastic.

    I'm glad you enjoyed The Sniper - I'm on the list for the audio book, and should be downloading it soon - and looking forward to it. I'm not a "war movie" fan, but this one seems to be so popular...

  11. I would imagine that movie would be rather intense. Not sure I could watch it. What did you think? GO SEAHAWKS - although I'm with you ...if I had tickets I would sell them and make a profit haha. Rather watch it in the comfort of my own living room anyway, the bathroom's closer!!

    1. I liked the movie. It was intense but not so much that I didn't enjoy it. I would have sold those tickets so fast too! You get a better view from your own TV anyway.


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