Saturday, January 10, 2015

Life Happens

It doesn’t matter where you live. Life happens.  Sometimes we’re thrilled with what is thrown our way and other hiltonhawaiin41times --- well, not so much.   Sometimes we feel like Job when stuff starts coming at us from all angles.  Thank goodness we’ve learned to write all our plans in chalk so we can erase them easier than they were written.  And, we’ve had to do that again.

Notice on my side panel the “Hawaii Tracker” is no longer tracking days until departure.  That’s right.  It’s been erased.  Terry’s mother has had several little melanoma surgeries over the past few weeks.  Most amounted to a bandage size removal.  However, the one she had done on Friday turned into four that had spread anddoctor wasn’t so easy.  She didn’t get through it very well.  Family is alternating staying with her and reconstruction has been scheduled to take place on Monday --- the day of our planned departure.  We know that won't go well with her emotionally either.  There is no way we can fly off to Hawaii and leave Terry's mom like this at this time.  His brother has had to reschedule his trip also and now will be arriving in Phoenix on Sunday. 

fingersMy fingers are crossed that things work out and we can still arrive in Quartzsite as planned.

We all know things aren’t always as we plan.  Over the last few years it’s seemed we’ve had to change our plans a few more times than we would have liked to.

‘Tis life on the road.

We can't plan life. All we can do is be available for it.


  1. Sure hope Monday goes better than expected and Mom does good. Not fun for anybody.

  2. Hawaii will still be there.....and enjoyed more without worrying about Mom back in the states. I hope her recovery is quick and easy, I'm sure your all being there will be a big help. "Life's what happens while we're making other plans."

  3. So sorry to hear about Terry's mom but you are right that there is no way you could board that plane at this time but Hawaii will be there when the time is right. We too well understand change of plans and wish it would not always have to happen so often but hey it keeps us on our toes and we all learn from each of those changes. Really hope all goes well and you are able to meet up in Quartzsite!

  4. Oh crap. We are so sorry to read about Terry's mom. Prayers are sent your way for a complete and quick recovery for mom and lots of patience for your entire family.

    The trip can always be revisited!

  5. I know you're very disappointed that you can't get to Hawaii but as said before, family comes first.

  6. If it was something simple, I'd go anyway, but this doesn't sound simple. You'll enjoy your trip much more later, when things are okay on the "mom front." I hope she will come through this well, and will have a full recovery. You and Terry are such good people with big hearts. :)

  7. Sorry to hear about Terry's mom, life does just happen as we all know. Maybe Quartzite was not meant to be for us this year.
    Hope things work out for you.

  8. life does indeed happen and nothing is ever a guarantee..sounds like the two of you have your priorities in the right place. Hope that Terry's mom gets well soon.

  9. Our brother in law had Melanoma, so we know how difficult it can be. I am sure she will appreciate your changing your plans to support her.

  10. Fingers and toes are crossed for you. You are doing the right thing.

  11. Sorry you got derailed again. Fortunately, Hawaii will still be there when your next opportunity arises. Here's hoping Terry's Mom comes through this with flying colors and you make it to the Q gathering. It would be rough to miss your own Blogfest.

  12. Terry's mom is so lucky that she has ya'll to take care of her when she needs the help. Hawaii will always be there waiting for you, so this time is important that you be there for her.

    Wishing her all the best and that she bounces back quickly from the speed bump life has thrown at her.


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