Monday, January 26, 2015

Blogger-Fest and Quartzsite

Blogger-Fest was one big success.  Over 50 people showed up, set up their chairs, introduced themselves and then mingled.  Finally it was time to put faces to the different blogs we had followed.  George (George and Suzy’s blog) was truly missed.  He and I had originally schemed to put this Blogger-Fest together.  Due to circumstances beyond his control, he was not able to attend.  Sandie (Where are the Dixons blog) and Marsha  (Where’ s Weaver blog) stepped up and offered to help.  With the three of us we were able to pull it all together.  Thanks to both of them for helping make this event a very successful one.  Now it’s over and we’ll see what happens next year.  Maybe we’ll make this an annual event.  It definitely was a fun one.  Even the weather cooperated …. except, the wind could have died down a bunch.

Photo taken by the Bayfield Bunch!blogger

It’s unusual to see yourself plastered in pictures on so many blogs.  One thing about bloggers is that everyone arrives with a camera and photo shots are happening all over the place.  Then, after it’s over and done, everyone shares those photos.  Over the last few days many bloggers posted those shared photos and I’ve had to “borrow” some.  Thank you so much and what fun!  

Group_b3 Group_b4

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With all the events that have taken place, it’s been really tough to keep up to date with my own blog.  It’s been non-stop activities.   In addition to the Blogger-Fest, we’ve gone from one big event to another in our own little group.  After our Mexican night which I shared previously, we’ve even had a hot dog roast around the campfire and an Italian night.  Folks have thinned out and the group events are over.  Mostly it’s been fun to be in the desert.  However, I’ve got to admit I’m really looking forward to full hookups and a long hot shower!

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Quartzsite has been a busy little town.  Restaurants and shops have been packed.   Sunday there seemed to be an improvement in the traffic.  After all, the final day of the Big Tent was here and many folks were heading out of the area.  For those remaining that’s a good thing.  Terry and I did hit some of the vendors on Sunday.  We’ve actually done less this year than ever before.  There was one MAJOR purchase.  We bought 15 boxes of Keurig coffee singles.  We figure the boxes averaged about $3 each.  What a savings and I love my Keurig machine!


Dave (Dave and Diane blog) has a drone.  It’s an amazing contraption equipped with a Hero3 camera.  What fun it was watching his demonstration on how it worked.  He also shared with us several photo shots above our group.  Check it out.  Isn’t this amazing?   Thanks, Dave. 

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We’ll be moving back into the Phoenix area on Tuesday and all this will be behind us. 

Another Arizona sunset

‘Tis life on the road!


  1. Thanks for sharing! It really seems to have hit "the nail on the head"! Fun to read about it and dream about the possibilities in the future.

  2. Thanks for all the hard work you did Jeri. We all truly appreciate it. It was an event for the ages.

    We are so glad and blessed that we could spend five days with you. We are looking forward to reconnecting in the Phoenix area in about a month. Should be another great time...especially since we will have FHUs....hehe

  3. It really was so much fun, I'm hoping we do it again next year. Your hard work is appreciated for sure, and Sandi and Marsha, too. I never did even get to say Hi to you, but at least we got to visit on your birthday, so I was able to get my Jeri and Terry "visit." If I don't see you again this season, I'll enjoy following along with your blog. Thanks again, Jeri! :)

  4. We didn't get enough of you. Don't be surprised if our paths cross again soon.

  5. Clearly, everyone had a great time. Sure wish we could have made it.

  6. Sure am glad it was a success and sorry that we had to bail, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Hope to get back there next year, keeping our fingers crossed.

  7. Thank you for all that you did in planning this and the Class-less group as well...

  8. I know ya'll had a good time and everything, but could ya' have at least held down the noise? We heard you all the way over here in South Carolina! :cP

    15 boxes of coffee? Where can you possibly fit it all? We're lucky to stash one or two!

  9. It sure was a HUGE success and despite my 'anxiety' with larger crowds I was glad I went. Thank you so much for making this happen !

  10. sounds like the first annual blog-fest was a resounding success! here's hoping that this will be an annual event!

  11. Congrats again on a great event. You can sign me up now to help with next year's fest :-) When Dad lived in Q he said the Sunday at the end of the Big Tent sounded like the drain in a bathtub as so many rigs and people left the area. Safe travels to Phoenix and enjoy that long shower!

  12. Thanks Jeri, what a great idea that was. Nice meeting you and everyone else! Hope it will become and annual event.


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