Thursday, September 25, 2014

Old Pictures, Old Papers and Duchess

It ’s almost the end of September.  Temperatures usually cool and weather starts to turn this time of year.  In some areas  of the country tourists start planning northern trips to check out the fall colors.  However, most of the folks we know turn their northern thoughts to southern ones.  We’ve watched as folks start on their journey south.  These are the people who follow the sun.  We’ve started seeing RVs and motorhomes with Canadian plates heading south down I-5.  It must be time.

From high school to college
highschool graduation college

 Let's learn to ride bikes - camping with our 4 grandkids - years ago 


We’ve had some gorgeous weather this month.  However, now we’re getting a couple days of rain followed by temperatures in the high 70’s.  That’s just about perfect for us.  In a week or two we’ll be moving our motorhome angelsout of the storage lot and begin preparing it for another journey.  It’s not that we’re looking forward to preparing it for that journey.  For some reason, this time we’re not.

Yes, I definitely was an angel!

The couple days of rain we’ve recently had have definitely kept us inside.  However, we’ve enjoyed that too.  It’s also made us put off finishing the painting we were doing.  Instead of painting we pulled a couple large boxes out of our shed to sort.  The boxes were loaded with travel pictures, family pictures and old genealogy paperwork.    Some of this paperwork was accumulated almost 40 years ago.  I’ve been scanning what needed to be scanned and tossing  what needed to be tossed.  Many scenery pictures taken on trips have been burned and others have been scanned.  Since I haven’t been taking other pictures, you get my old pictures on this blog and you’re likely to see many more in the future.  Aren’t you lucky!!

Florence, Italy to St. Petersburg, Russia to the Great Wall of China
florence russia china

This time of year we absolutely have no neighbors around our little cabin.   Well, I take that back.  The neighbors we do have beg for food.  The two or three feral cats that come to visit expect a handout.  They are no different from the nine or ten deer we see daily.  Everyone wants a tidbit or two.  We always have something on hand for them.

It’s quiet here.    We’re tucked in the trees (kind of) away from everything and everybody.  If the weather would kayakkauaihold out, I could definitely be happy hanging around longer.  However, we know eventually the nice weather will go away.   The cold weather will come and that won’t be something either of us want to deal with.  Neither cold nor hot is something we care for.  Other than the cold we’re struggling off and on with internet.  Sometimes it seems just fine and other times, we can hardly get online.  I’ve purchased a couple extenders but have yet to set them where they need to go. 

Our first kayaking adventure in Kauai

Tduchess-youngerry still has a couple doctor appointments ahead of him.  Once those are behind us we may start talking about our next journey but until then, we’re content to do what we’re doing which isn’t a whole lot. 

Duchess has been struggling a bit too.  Her legs seem to be getting worse at times and they sure aren’t what they used to be.  However, at other times, they seem to be okay.  Not sure what we’re going to do but today we have her with the Vet who is running tests and monitoring her.   

Duchess as a pup!

‘Tis life on the road.

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”


  1. I enjoy looking at old pictures. But, I have become ruthless about reducing them to only the most memorable ones. Which makes the one I still have even more fun to revisit.

  2. You definitely want to get out of there before the cold weather. Sorry to hear about Duchess, but we've talked about it before. Great pictures!

  3. I love seeing what folks looked like years ago. Those pictures are really great. I feel bad about Duchess. Give her a big hug from me.

  4. Great pictures from days gone by. I got a hat like your's in St. Petersburg, too. It was really warm. Somehow, it didn't get into my "Keep" pile when we weeded out our stuff just before selling our house.

    I miss it. Guess another trip to St. Petersburg is in order.

    Poor Duchess, hope the vet comes up with a good treatment to help her legs.

  5. Love your Russian hats.

    Duchess was sure a cute puppy.

  6. Love looking at the old pictures from years ago.
    Like you guys we are getting ready to head south.

  7. When we got really serious about getting through every box and book of photos a couple months ago I was amazed at the number that made it to the trash. There were so many scenery shots that I wasn't sure where they were taken, and some of people I didn't know their names.....and so many copies of school photos from each year (who do we think we're going to give them to when we order 25 prints?). Enjoyed seeing some of yours - you have had a wonderful life of travels!

  8. All the best to Duchess. Sure hope the vet is able to help her a bit.

    You guys sure got around to a lot of interesting places!! Great old photos!

  9. Most of my older pictures are inaccessible in storage. Oh well. Someday we'll get them out.
    Our thoughts are with Duchess- I know she's been struggling for a while.

  10. I love looking at old pictures. Quite the looker :0.


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