Monday, August 4, 2014

Ocean Shores - Here We Come

Short Update:  July 27th

One thing we discovered about Saturday nights on the beach at La Push was that lighting fireworks off was a popular activity.  It was so popular in fact that the following morning we decided to head on down to Ocean Shores -- about 115 miles south.  We had paid for one additional night but didn't want to chance another night like Saturday had been.  Duchess had not been a "happy camper" with those fireworks either.
On Sunday we were on our way to the Thousand Trails park.  It was one we had not visited  and had no clue whether we’d be able to get cell signal.  Even though we didn't like to be without cell phones or internet, that seemed to be more the norm than the exception over the last few weeks. Either way we were on our way.

Luck was on our side.  We ended up in a site with full hookups and had signals from both Verizon and AT&T.  Now I’m not saying either signal was strong but they were both usable.  Once set up we decided to check out a little of the area.  The first place we drove to was the beach.

The beach in Ocean Shores was very different than the beaches we had recently visited.

The beach was beautiful, sandy and it was one we could drive on for miles and miles which we did. It also appeared that this beach was no secret as many others were also enjoying it.

Not everyone goes to Ocean Shores to take a peek at the Pacific Ocean.  The casino also calls many folks.  We heard the call and answered it.  The first time we went, I lost my shirt.  The next day I went back to retrieve it.  Not only did I win my shirt back but also ended up with a few others had lost.  It was a good day but no reason to celebrate yet.  We knew we’d be around the area for about a week.  We also figured there might be a few more casino visits.

Towards the end of the week we knew we would be moving down the road to Copalis Beach.  A small family get together had been planned at the Beechwood Resort there.   The resort had no RV facilities at the time of the booking but managers had assured my cousin when he booked that they would have these facilities in and operational by summer.  We wanted to check it out.  When we did we discovered that there was still no RV park.  Permits had held up the construction.   We knew we had some thinking to do.

On our second visit to the resort we came up with a plan and the plan meant we’d also have hookups. 
beachwood_004 DSC01182

The resort turned out to be perfect (except for cell signal) but I'll have to come back to that.  There was a a short walk to the beach, a tower for ocean viewing, pool tables, swimming pool, hot tub and a fantastic club house.   No get together can be greater than one at the beach. 

August 4th
What a week!  We’re worn out.  Details will follow eventually. We’ve been out of touch because cell had been slow or mostly non existent after we moved on down the road to Copalis Beach.   Today I have another task though and that’s to start thinking about getting ready for my flight in the morning to Hawaii . This is the best I can with a blog for now.

‘Tis life on the road.

I’m sure heaven has a beach attached to it.


  1. You have been busy, now off to Hawaii, can we come too?

  2. That beach looked beautiful. I don't blame you for leaving early. Sometimes you just aren't comfortable and the beauty is you move on.

  3. Our pups, especially the biggest one, is. Wry afraid of loud noises. We would have moved on too!
    That beach is beautiful...
    Glad you got your shirt back!
    Have a great time in Hawaii...what an adventure!

  4. I really do hate fireworks and we would have moved also. Great win at the casino. Jim won $80 last night after deducting my loss. Thank goodness one of us can win something. Have a fantastic time in Hawaii. Take lots of pictures for us.

  5. Glad you won your shirt back. Otherwise you'd look silly going thru TSA security getting on your plane to Hawaii!

  6. Wow! You've been crazy busy, but it sure sounds like you're having a great time. I'm sure the fun will continue in Hawaii. Looking forward to yet another beach!!

  7. I saw the difference in the beach at Ocean Shores right away. Gorgeous.

    Congratulations on hitting the jackpot at the casino. Now which machine was that?

  8. A flight to Hawaii in the morning? You're not getting any sympathy here!!!!


  9. I sure hope that heaven has a huge beach, but I doubt it. Have fun in Hawaii.


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