Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Horse Trading

It’s been a long five days since I’ve posted.  I’m sure glad I’m not a daily blogger because I would have flunked out many times. We’ve been mighty, mighty busy. 

I’ve been thinking about a post recently posted by a fellow blogger.  She was wondering why others she followed never reciprocated with comments on her blog. so this comment is for her.  I think blogging and _11may_5commenting is a two-way street but for many it’s a one way street.  We really get to know the folks when we follow their blog and they follow ours. I don’t follow a lot of blogs and that’s for many reasons.   Some folks we really click with and others we don’t. Just because I occasionally "follow" a blog doesn't mean I really always read.  I stopped commenting on some who just don’t reciprocate.   I could give you a list of those as I’m sure other bloggers can too. It's just the way things are.  Don't let it get to you.   Some folks we connect with and others we just don’t.  That’s life.  Not everyone connects and I'm just not a dedicated blog follower anymore except for a special few.

Over time the list of blogs I read has changed. I don’t always comment but mostly.  However, if I don’t care for the subject matter, I probably won’t comment.  I also rarely comment if a blogger posts more than once a day or if the topic is controversial.  There are a lot of RV bloggers out there.  I’m sure some would love to hear from you and some you will definitely connect with. We all like something different … thank goodness for that!
Back to my Horse Trading title ---  My title might sound like we’re trading a horse but we’re not.  We’re not selling one and we’re not buying one but we are hoping to do some trading around. We know that takes time.

Some of you will remember our amazing Dodge truck.  We actually used this the first year we were snowbirds..  We pulled our 5th wheel with it to Texas and Arizona.  It was a great truck.  That’s why it was never sold and kept in the family … until now that is.  It’s been cleaned up and now we’re hoping to find new owners.

Some of you will also remember this ATV.  We never sold it either.  It was also an amazing ATV and that’s why it was kept in the family too … until now that is.  However, since its been in the garage for quite some time, it needed a little encouragement (and a new battery) to get it ready for the market. 

_11may_6First of all, we tried to save the $50 by pulling the cord on the manual starter. Lee and Mike pulled and pulled and pulled.  Nada.  Nothing. Zero.  We even tried giving the battery a jump.  Again, nada, nothing, zero.  Finally, a trip to Wal-Mart and all that was behind us.  It started to purr like a kitten  …. that is if you think any ATV will purr, this one will.  Now we’re hoping to find a new owner for it too.

Most of you are also familiar with our ever-so-often posted Jeep.  Well, it’s soon to become kept in the family but not necessarily by us.  It’s being claimed by Lee.

That’s what we’ve been doing and we’re just as busy as beavers ……………….. oh, and we’ve also been busy with ideas for Tammi with the new house she’s purchasing.  I’m sure we’ll be busy when the time comes to move too. 

Guess what?  There’s a huge RV site in back.  Looks like we’ll have two drive-ways with full hookups.  Things couldn’t be much better than that!

Mother’s Day came around and we were lucky in that we got to spend a little time with both of our __11may_10kids and their families.  Tammi and Sabrina put their creativity to work for Mother’s Day.  Tammi took a picture of Duchess and then got out her wood burning tools and converted that picture to one on a trivet.  This was the finished project.  Pretty cool, huh?


Sabrina provided me with flowers and lots of fabric quarters to help speed me along with all my projects.  After that, I got out my sewing machine and now I’m trying to figure out what crafty little project I want to tackle next. Lee put  kokanee he had caught on the barbecue and gave me the leftovers!  Nummy!


We also made another trip to our storage shed.  In the past we had not used the clubs much on the road so didn’t take them south with us.  However, we discovered several places we stayed we were almost right on top of golf courses and didn’t have the clubs with us.  We really “suck” at golf but it’s fun and we enjoy it so we’re not going to leave them behind again and especially since this fall we hope to spend more time in California where golf courses are just about everywhere.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous.  More of the same is predicted for this week with temperatures reaching into the 80’s.  However, we have RVing friends moving north from California right now and we hope they don’t miss this weather.  Timing is everything in the Pacific Northwest especially this time of year.

‘Tis life on the road.

Family is not an important thing.  It's everything.


  1. You guys are literally having a "garage" sale. Hope it works well for you and your prices are paid.

    1. Selling is tough. I hate it but we have all summer and right now we're not in that big of a hurry. Well, Terry is..............

  2. We are in Walnut Creek Elks now and hopefully moving tomorrow. Thinking of one night in Petaluma Elks to dump and take good showers. Then on to a couple of casinos and will be at Seaside starting the 22nd for 2 weeks. Hoping to see you then.
    I don't always comment on blogs. I'm going to try to get better.

    1. We plan on meeting you in Seaside for a week and are polishing up our golf clubs. Will that help? We'll be there either the 20th or 21st. But, you're also one of my special "few".

  3. I'm glad with all that trading and selling off you do, you've still kept Terry around all those years. Some possessions are too precious to let go... ;c)

    It's amazing when you make blogging friends how much you learn about them and how well you get to know them. Yet, back in our stix-n-brix days we hardly knew our next door neighbors!

    It makes it all the more fun when you get to meet blogging friends on the road. Hopefully if all goes right this winter we'll see ya'll in person as well. Fingers crossed!

    1. You are right. It is amazing how many blogging friends you get to know. It's many more the neighborhoods we used to live in too. Hopefully, we'll get to see both of you again too!

  4. Hey, Jeri, we've got a set of clubs buried in the basement of BessyBus. We'll have to get them out and polish them up next time we get together. Sounds like you guys have been busy!

    1. Get those clubs out! If they are dirty and unused, you just might be the type of golfers we like to play with 'cuz it's more fun laughing than being serious about it.

  5. I usually comment n the blogs I read but if a post already has 30 comments on it I skip it unless I have something really specific to say. I usually respond directly to my own commenters and I wouldn't want to have to respond to 30 of them each time I post. :)

    1. I reciprocate on the blogs not always on the comment section but I'd hate to have to read and comment on 30 a day. I couldn't do that either.

  6. You have been busy...all good though. So glad you had a nice Mothers's Day! Love the trivet! You have very creative girls!

  7. Wow...you two have been busy.

    Those two young ladies are so creative. I love both your gifts. How thoughtful.

    Tammi must like your company if the house has an RV spot...hehe

    I am sure Lee will take very good care of your baby.

  8. Nice trivet with Duchess's pic on it. My mom used to do wood burning when I was growing up. Got to "play" with the woodburning tool a couple of times on a wood newel for a staircase. That was fun. Don't be lookin' to me to create art like that, though.

  9. I love that trivet cause I love that Duchess girl. The crafty stuff looks really good but I am not crafty as you well know. Fingers crossed that the vehicles sell. I think you guys will have a great time with your golf clubs. Those can definitely be used many places.

  10. I dread trying to sell stuff I no longer want. It just seems to always be a painful process. Now I also see it could keep be busy:)

  11. hope the sales go well..will be nice to find new homes for the truck and the atv!!
    happy belated Mother's day to you!!

  12. Thats what I call horse trading, no sign of what you are going to use next? Maybe a real Jag?

    1. HAHA ... no real Jag for us. I'm from the group that feels the more you spend in the vehicle-category, the more you're going to lose.

  13. Know what you mean about a vehicle becoming part of the family - and sometimes that means they need to move out of the nest too :-). How perfect that the new house has a dedicated space for the RV! When one of our kids mentions they've looked at a house we always ask if it has RV parking......so far the answer has been no (I'm sure that's why they didn't buy it).

  14. Love your mother's day gifts. You would not believe the rain and cold here in Indianapolis.

  15. Like you, the blogs we follow have changed somewhat. Some I follow pretty faithfully, some I don't. Some I don't read at all any more, unless I am really bored- and that never happens! Lately it seems I have been so busy, I haven't even taken the time to post on my OWN blog. Yikes. I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing since the stuff we are doing isn't very blog worthy anyway. Now, once we leave for Alaska next week......


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