Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Finally - - - The Pacific Northwest

5may_6That’s right.  We finally made it to the Pacific Northwest (the Pacific NW includes Oregon, Washington and British Columbia).  Some refer to it as God’s Country and it’s very easy to see why.  It’s green and it’s gorgeous.  Once Terry was back from his Tiger Cruise with Justin we were on the road.   (I blogged about it a couple days ago HERE)

Traveling north from California the terrain changes drastically.  We really noticed the change as 5may_2we dropped into Oregon from the Siskiyou Mountain range.   

The Seven Feathers Casino was certainly a convenient stop for us.  Right by the casino is a huge lot for dry camping.  Across the highway is an RV park with pull thru sites and full hookups.  So no matter if you prefer to spend your dollars inside the casino or outside, this is a one spot fits all.  We opted for the dry camping lot.  I find it difficult to put out $35 when we arrive late and are only going to be awake a short time. We really didn’t need the water, didn’t need to dump and didn’t need the electricity.  We just wanted a safe place to pull off the road for the night. This casino worked perfectly for us. The reviews for their RV park are at the top of the scale.  I would rate their dry camping lot at the top for a dry camping area too. Shuttles come by often and so does security.

The casino is perfectly located to make it convenient when traveling north or south through the state of Oregon.  Their buffet is fantastic but if you’re not that hungry, there are other places to eat either inside or outside of the casino.  It sure made a nice stop for us.


Early the following morning we were on our way again.  At times it rained hard and at other times the blue sky came peeking through.  It was a nice day and a nice drive but for some reason the closer we got to our destination, the longer the drive seemed to take.  I think we were anxious.

This was one of the rest areas just south of Portland.


The beautiful town of Portland was soon in our sights.  We felt we were “home”.

Next we left Oregon behind and entered another beautiful state – Washington.

Another thirty miles north and we made our first stop at Lee’s place.  Oops … Jordie’s car was parked where we couldn’t get in and park in their long driveway. So, we backed on out and went to the Elks.  What else could we do?  Do you think they were telling us something?


Then, it was off to the Red Lobster for lunch.  After all Jordie had just started working there.  What a great place to meet.  However, she’s not a full fledged server yet.  She’s an assistant server but we did get to experience what it felt like to have her wait on us. The good thing is she just got off work while we were there so she joined us for lunch. 


Even Michael and Sandi showed up to share this dining experience.  Our grandkids definitely are not dumb.  When food is mentioned …. they are there.

This was a big day for Sandi.  She had just finished all the paperwork for the DEP program.  She was flying high!  MEPS is scheduled for the summer.


We took the rest of the afternoon off.  Since we’d been on the road for almost seven months we’d-5may_1 finally be taking a long rest.  We are ready for that.  That’s not to say we won’t be doing some local trips.  Local trips are definitely on our calendar but they won’t be long RV trips for about another six months.  

Checking out the home base

Lee stopped over to chat on his way home after work.  It’s always nice when the “kids” take time out of their day to visit and usually the highlight of our day.


We had things to do.  To begin with the Jeep Wrangler needed to be serviced.  After that was taken care it was my bike’s turn.  Terry unloaded it off the back of the RV and we took it to Bob’s Sporting Goods to have it serviced too.

Next, we were off to check out the “cabin” and see how it weathered through the winter.

    Up went the gazebo with Mike’s help

We swapped out the Jeep Wranger for the Jeep Liberty and left it at the “cabin”. 

It was a busy day but we ended it with a marvelous dinner at Lee and Sabrina’s house.  Nummy!

‘Tis life on the road.

“If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there”


  1. It surely is great to be home! We arrived ai Indianapolis/ Greenwood just two days ago. First stop was to surprise granddaughter #1 - Megan. Grands are great!

  2. Welcome back home, great to enjoy your time with family and friends, maybe even relax a bit too.

  3. Welcome home! And what a nice homecoming you had! You will be settled in in no time. Can't wait for the kayaking to begin!

    Visiting the North West is on our bucket list.

  4. welcome back to the Pacific Northwest!!!

  5. It's always great to come home - especially after 7 months!! Nice that so many of your family were there to welcome you.

  6. That French Prairie rest stop is so beautiful - I love to stop there on the way to Seattle. Sounds like you hit the ground running! Always good to reconnect with the family - welcome home.

  7. Oh how I love Portland. One of the most beautiful cities we have been in. Of course, that whole Northwest is gorgeous!

    I wish we could make it back out there. I would love to see your home base close and personal. I think it is a lovely spot.

  8. Welcome home. Time to relax (yeah right!) but at least stay in one area for awhile. The cabin looks like it survived the winter quite well.

  9. It must feel so good to be home. That's such a neat place! :)

  10. Where were the deer to welcome you home? Hope they survived the winter! :cO

    1. We saw a couple deer but they didn't come over and ask for treats.

  11. I have noticed how much sooner we reach "home" than what it takes to leave it. Glad to see you made it safely.

  12. Now you're gonna relax and stay put for awhile - likely NOT !! LOL

    1. You certainly know me! I'm already thinking of things to do and .... places to go!

  13. That is an area we still need to get too! The kids are always available when there is food to be eaten:)


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