Monday, March 10, 2014

A Family Mystery and a Visit to LBJ Historical Park

I just liked this Texas Longhorn we saw.  He didn't budge when I took his picture.

Sunday finally rolled around.  Our little cousin get together was scheduled for this day and it was the reason we had been trying to hang around the Austin area.  Our plans were to go through a few boxes of old pictures.  We were going to scan some of them and save to CD.  Of course, it didn’t go without lots of fun conversation and plenty of food.  Our last get together was in September.  I have to use the picture from that get together since I didn’t take any pictures of this one.

Here’s one of our mysteries.  We’ve been trying to figure who these two boys are but the ages didn’t fit with our first guess.  If we knew the ages, we might be able to fill in the blank.   How old do you think these two are?

Here’s another one for you.  Could this boy be this person?

Could this boy be this person or could he be the older one above?  Check the shape of the face, the ears, the chin cleft and the lips.  The hairline changes as does the length of the nose. Any guesses?


Monday turned out to be a pretty nice and it was certainly about time.  We started with a short short stop at the Wildflower Farm outside of Fredericksburg.  Many times we’ve stopped here the fields have been in full bloom with gorgeous flowers.  However, it’s a little early for that right now.  Bluebonnets should start showing up in different areas before soon though.

Love the little Bluebonnet painted birdhouses.
Another stop was at the LBJ State Historical Park.  First stop was at the Visitor’s Center for a pass but it’s one of the few places where it’s free.  There is no charge to drive through the grounds and check out the park.  These are just a few things we were able to see.

Another thing I loved -- the old barn.
Hmm ..  I think we all know what this was used for.
Just because it's Texas doesn't mean there aren't a lot of trees.
The Texas White House
Across the street -- Pedernales River and a cool swing.   Now I could sit here and read a book.
A few days before we had stopped at the Courthouse Square in Johnson City.  I love the beautiful old courthouses. They certainly don’t build them like they used to.

Courthouse Square
Johnson City also has the boyhood home of LBJ.  He was born in Stonewall but shortly after his 5th birthday moved about 15 miles down the road to Johnson City.

Boyhood home of LBJ
‘Tis a busy life on the road.

Silence is argument carried out by other means.


  1. Those are beautiful old trees and grounds. I agree on the swing. That is a great place to sit with a good book and a cold glass of lemonade. Sorry, can't help you much on the boys, but they sure are good looking fellas!

  2. My guess is that the 21 yr old is the younger of the two boys. The 30 yr old's lips seem to have no similar characteristics, so I have no guess on that one.

    The LBJ trip looks like it is something we should have done.

  3. Some gorgeous pictures in this post Jeri !

  4. I guess the young boys are 10 and 12, but I am not very good at guessing games.

    We really enjoyed LBJ State Historical Park. We had an excellent tour of the White House. A very lovely area. Johnson City is pretty cool too.

  5. More excellent pictures, too bad the old pictures did not have names on them.

  6. I don't think the guy in full military uniform is either of the young boys. I think the last picture is the young boy, older.

    LBJ State Park is high on Doug's list.

  7. I'd love to tour the LBJ ranch someday but don't know if we'll ever get there so thanks for the great pics.

  8. I thought all long horns were brown.

    I don't think the 30 year old is the same as the kid because it is rare for a man to change on which side he parts his hair.

  9. In my informed opinion, I don't think that either picture of the boys is LBJ. :cD

  10. Glad you were able to meet up with your cousins. Love the tour.

  11. Nice photos! I am particularly fond of old barns and the outhouses :) Hugs to you both!


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