Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tucson’s Bucket List

Our stop at the Wild Horse Casino was only for two nights.  From what I knew about the feb15_3boondocking there was that trucks parked in the gravel area behind the RV parking.  The RV parking area was paved and fairly narrow lanes marked off for the RVs.  What we discovered when we arrived is that the truck area had been closed.  It looks like the casino may be planning on paving the area the trucks used.  Thus, all the trucks and RVs parked in the same area.  It was packed. 

Early evening the trucks started piling in for the night.  We were a tad concerned about what the noise from all the trucks might be.  However, it wasn’t really the trucks so much as the drivers.  The area is so small with the closure of the other lot that they were out yelling at each other until about 2:00 AM.  All the spaces were full and the only places available were on the roadways.  We parked along the curb in the “fire lane” and were also a little concerned about being told to move even though security said it was okay.  Obviously, we were glad to leave this place.  If we need a place in the future to stop for a night or two close to Terry’s mom, it will definitely be the Lone Butte Casino and not the Wild Horse.

However, the location for us was perfect since we wanted to be close to Terry’s mom.   Terry spent most of Friday visiting other relatives with his mom and brother.  Since it was so hot and we were boondocking, we weren’t comfortable leaving Duchess in the hot motorhome all day without air conditioning.  I volunteered to babysit.  Lucky me!!

feb15_1One place I went was the casino.  It didn’t start out terrific.  I was just getting ready to give up on big winnings and was down the last of the $60 I  had allocated for “entertainment” when I hit a $339 jackpot!  It didn’t take long to hit the “cash out” button and take those winnings with me.

I mentioned on my previous post Sandi turned 17 on Valentine’s Day.  This is what her mom took her to do --- snowboard!

It had been a while since we had gone out for a steak dinner but what the heck.  It was Valentine’s and it sure sounded good to us.  Outback was just down the road and that’s where we went.  We usually split the large rib-eye.  With an extra salad that’s just about all we can eat.  What a great steak it was!


Now it's Saturday morning and  time to think about heading down the road towards Tucson.  After all, we know our friends, Janice and Jerry can hardly wait until we get there.  Wefeb15_2 just know that!

We have several things on our bucket list for Tucson.  Hopefully we’ll be able to take care of all of it.  At the top of the list is another visit to Choice Greens.  It’s a restaurant that serves chopped salads.  You order the ingredients and they chop it all up and toss it for you.  We visited there about 3 years ago and have been raving about it ever since.  I hope it lives up to what we remembered it to be.

Tammi and Sandi snowboarding

A few years ago we took the dinette booth out of our motorhome.  Now we want to replace it with another dinette booth.  I’m not sure how easy that will be to do in Tucson but that is one of the things we want to take care of.  Next, we hope to have new countertops ordered.

Other things on the list include Hobby Lobby, Titan Missile Museum, Airplane Graveyard, Sonora Desert, Old Tucson (maybe) and anything else interesting around there we might discover.  Out of that list the only thing we haven’t seen in the past is the Titan Missile Museum but sometimes it’s also fun to repeat things you’ve enjoyed.  We’re not sure yet whether we’ll move on down to Tombstone or just visit again from Tucson.  Only time will tell.

Last night I was going through some of the pictures I had taken.  I want to print a few off.   Everyone takes pictures of birds and posts them.  I don’t have any real current ones but do have pictures of some I have taken in the past. Does anyone know what kind of bird this is?   I’ll tell you next time where it’s found and a little about it.  It is an endangered species.  That would be cheating if I told you now.


‘Tis life on the road.

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.


  1. Nice that Terry got to visit his relatives while in the area.
    We love our dinette.

  2. The airplane graveyard is really cool. You get to see thousands of expensive airplanes that your hard earned tax dollars bought get turned into beer cans. :c)

    I never saw that full body slide style of snow boarding before, these kids are always coming up with some new technique...

  3. That place was really packed. See why you moved on.
    Do I see the 2018 Olympics for Sandi?
    We really really enjoyed Tuscon. If we get out that way next year, we will definitely spend time there again. Lots of great hiking also.

  4. Sure hope Choice Greens is as good as when we went. Have fun in Tucson.

  5. We are headed back to Tucson on March 5 th. Will add Choice Greens to our list! If you like Mexican food...we sure enjoyed Mi Nidito. Lots of yummy food and it's not that expensive!

  6. We wanted to spend a week in Tucson this year exploring but an appointment in Phoenix will require us to drive by. Last year when we stayed at Gilbert Ray Campground we encountered a snow storm. About the only sight we managed to take in was the Desert Sonoran Museum, which of course we loved.
    Hope you get all those renovations/changes done on the RV :-)

  7. Check out Casino Del Sol. Fantastic buffet and good gaming card.

  8. Sounds like you've got some great plans for visiting in Tucson except for Choice Greens!! A salad joint sure wouldn't be my first choice but I have to admit it might be good for me. I'll be eating salad for a while by the time I get home I'm afraid.


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