Monday, February 24, 2014

Moving Along from Tombstone … Hello Texas

It seems sometimes there is absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing to blog about.  Other times we’re so busy we don’t have time to blog at all.  Then, when we do, there’s just too much to write about.  This is one of those times.

Since the d23feb_6rive from Tucson to our park just 12 miles north of Tombstone was such a short drive and we arrived so early, we decided to go ahead and visit the well-known little town on Saturday instead of Sunday.  Jerry and Kimberly (fellow bloggers) were in the same park we were.  Thus, it was an outing for all four of us.  Jerry and Kimberly were on a wine tasting mission and Terry was on a mission to look for a new hat. 

Well, he never found the hat but I found plenty of things to take the place of the hat.
24feb_2 24feb_3

We stopped for lunch at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon.  What a hoot that place was.  It was packed, the music was great and we also had our pictures taken.  I had to do a little Photoshop touchup on the picture of the nude lady behind me. Now she's barely visible.   I know, I know … I really didn’t need to but yes I did!

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Don’t we look 
rough and tough?

Tombstone is a fun town but it wouldn’t be complete without a stop at Boot Hill.  You can really entertain yourself just by reading the inscriptions on the tombstones. 

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It certainly gives a little insight into what really was going on during the early 1880’s.
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We got back to the motorhome and Duchess fairly early.  It was Saturday night. The reason for our visit in this location was now behind us.  What was the __24feb_1plan for Sunday?  Originally that was the day we were going to visit Tombstone.  We made a new plan.  Sunday morning we were on the road to New Mexico.  We weren’t sure how far we’d go.  Were we going to Deming?  Were we going to Las Cruces?  We figured we’d only know that when the time came to stop.

 -- Lee picked us up.

We did stop in Deming but not for the night.  We stopped to go to lunch with Lee (aka IYQ).   We parked the motorhome and Jeep at Wal-Mart.  Lee picked us up and we were off to the Rancher’s Grill in town.  This way we didn't even have to unhook the Jeep.  We chatted about everything and everybody.  Soon we were _24feb_2back on the road again. 

Las Cruces, New Mexico

This time we knew where we were heading.  We were heading to Anthony, Texas.  Why Anthony?  It wasn’t in the original plan.  Well, the Texas Visitor Center was just across the border at mile marker 1 and it was before the town of El Paso.  We figured we could spend the night in their huge parking lot since they 24 hour security and allow it.  What a great place to stop it turned out to be!

The second thing was because we discovered Camping World was just across the freeway.  We really needed Camping World.  Why did we need Camping World?  Have you ever have the _24feb_1flapper in your toilet not close completely? If you have, you’d understand our hurry to get that thing replaced.   We could have fiddled with the flapper but it was so much easier just to replace the whole toilet and that’s what we did.  (No pictures were taken of this fiasco.)

Texas Visitors’ Center

At 6:30 Monday morning Terry was up and ready to get El_24feb_3 Paso behind us. We were heading to the Wal-Mart in Fort Stockton.  At least that’s what we figured at that time.   We were lucky that we beat the worst part of the morning work traffic.  There was a lot of traffic but we were still able to zip right through El Paso without a problem or a slow-down.  

We discovered a broken headlight!

A few hours later Fort Stockton was within reach but wait …. it was way too early to consider stopping.  It was too early even though we had to jump our time forward an hour when we crossed over in the central time zone.  Oh well … next planned stop was Ozona or maybe Sonora.  We weren’t sure.  I actually think Terry wanted to push on because he knew if we stopped before Junction, we’d be boondocking another night.  If we made it to Junction, we’d have full hookups and stay for at least two days.  It actually ended up being Junction --- 455 miles for the day. 

__-24feb_2We arrived at Junction two days earlier than we planned but had no idea where we’d stay.  Lucky for us there was one spot available at the Junction / North Llano River RV Park.  What a great park this is and it’s right on the Llano River. The host said Canadians were on the move.  Thus, the parks in the area were pretty full. 

__-24feb_1We’re here and we’re happy … for now that is.

That’s been what’s happening with us in the last two days.

‘Tis life on the road.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.


  1. Now that seems to be an unplanned move or did I miss something. Terry didn't get a hat - whew or I would have had to get Doug a new one too.

  2. Your toilet issues are exactly why we bought our electric more issues!!
    We usually stay at American RV, behind camping world, when we visit Paul's mom in el paso.

  3. You guys are really on the move.....450+ miles may be some kind of record! You are almost in our neck of Texas (Houston). Where you headed?

  4. You folks travel a lot like we do. Each day we just kind of wing it with no hard & fast plans or rules on how far we go. Sometimes have a rough idea of where we would are headed but if we make it or not doesn't seem to matter a lot. No pressure to be at a certain place at a certain time. Love that kind of travel freedom.

  5. You two looks so mean. I wouldn't want to meet up with you in a dark
    We had a great time at South Llano River State Park. Great area.

  6. Big Nose Kates is always a fun place to visit, we look forward to it again soon.
    You sure are putting on a lot of miles, travel safe and enjoy.

  7. Fun pics of Tombstone. I think Boot Hill was our favorite spot there. We loved reading all the great inscriptions on the grave sites.

  8. You guys would have made great villains in the old west. Too bad Terry didn't find a new hat though. 455 miles - wow. We take at least three days to cover that much territory. But I know Terry loves those hook ups and some days I don't blame him.

  9. We've spent many nights in that Anthony, TX, rest area. It is not unusual for us to be the only ones there--don't know why. It sure is nice and quiet.

  10. Very busy and I am sure Kopelli kept you safe")

  11. I dunno, I think you need to be careful around that Kopelli thing, you do know what it is supposed to bring...

    I've heard of shotgun weddings, but both the bride and groom armed? Maybe it's a Western tradition? :c)

  12. Nice spot you landed in!
    I noticed the kayaks were unloaded....enjoy!

    1. On a second look....I don't think those are your kayaks, but rental canoes....duh!

  13. I spent some time in Tombstone my first year on the road and loved it there.

    I was just looking at my route to travel East - which will be very soon - and will be going the same route you guys are on now. Must remember that Visitor's Centre for a free O/N.


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