Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Mighty Pacific

"Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law."

Duchess loves walking the beach .


I think the weather may be on our side once we get Saturday behind us.  When you’re on the Oregon or Washington coast, you never know what you’re going to get.  You could have gorgeous sunshine or you could get lots of wind and rain.  So far we’ve not had much rain except for Saturday.  Once we get through this day we should see plenty of sunshine.  That’s in the forecast and that’s what we’re hoping.

0_oct124We’re still boondocking at the casino and everything seems to be going good.  We’re not overloading any solar panels with lots of sunshine though.  However, more sun is coming and the clouds should disappear.  We’ve just been topping off those batteries with a little push of the generator.

You probably 0_oct122_tonemappedcouldn’t ask for a better site with ocean views and a short walk to the beach than what we have now.  If you could find one, you’d certainly be paying a pretty penny for it.  Others must feel that way too.  See if you can spot us in this picture.

Did you find us?


This is a beautiful walking beach.  I’ve walked up and down and then walked it again and again. 

The moisture in the air fogs up my camera lens from the inside out. I’ve also noticed recently that there is blemish on the inside of my camera lens.   I may be looking for a new camera again and I’m not happy about that.

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Friday we took a little trip to Depoe Bay.  Depoe Bay is the Whale Watching Capital of Oregon.  However, the sea was rough and there was no whale watching on Friday.  We did stop at the Chowder Bowl.  I had a bowl of clam chowder and Terry got his rare bowl of Oyster stew. 

It’s been years and years since I had clam chowder from Mo’s Chowder.  They have signs everywhere around here and some folks seem think it’s the best.  So, I’m thinking I’ll stop and try a little again.  I’m also thinking I’m going to be doing a lot of clam chowder tasting and comparing while we’re on the Oregon coast.  We don’t all like the same thing but it’s still fun to compare for my own taste buds.

A stop we made on the way back with views of birds, low tide, clam diggers and even fishermen.

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We noticed many more RVs pulled into the casino RV lot Friday night.  I’m sure they are here for the weekend.  Check out what some folks do to level their motorhome.  Both front wheels are up off the ground …. way up off the ground.  I don’t know about you but we sure wouldn’t do that …. at all!

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Fingers crossed for sunshine for you. What are they thinking???? Getting their wheels off the ground like that. Think of the stress that puts on the frame. Good grief. Enjoy your clam chowder taste off.

  2. Rats, I just lost my comment when I clicked on that last photo to enlarge it. :( What was he thinking, and how in the world did he get the rig that far off the ground? Doesn't look like a good idea to me, either!

    That is such a beautiful area - I love overcast, rainy weather, but with solar panels running things, I'm happy with only a couple of hours a day of THAT! Preferably in the middle of the day. That's why I loved New Mexico's monsoon season - usually we'd wake up with sunshine (fill up those the batteries), the clouds and rain would come over us, and then sunshine for the rest of the day. That was wonderful.

    I think taste testing a bunch of cups of clam chowder sounds like an excellent idea! :)

  3. Well I tried the Coast just a few years ago and all I got was rain and wind so got 'da hell outta there. I think I spotted your rig way in the back in that picture ??

  4. You certainly stand out in a campground, you might as well have neon signs point the way to the Willy Wagon! :c)

    I've seen many folks lift their MHs off the ground like that. I've had to do it a couple of times, but I lift it high, then put blocks under the wheels and let it down so the wheels are not hanging.

    Just think of what could happen if a jack failed. Chubby Checkers would be proud of the way the frame would be doing the "Twist"! :cD

  5. The Pacific is beautiful in any weather but I sure prefer warm and sunny. :)

  6. We ate the Chowder Bowl too. Had a great time in Depot.

    Tiffin told us to NEVER had two wheels off the ground. Two couples that we know did the exact thing those people did....both broke their windshield. Really dumb.

  7. Sure would enjoy having a tasty bowl of clam chowder with you!

  8. Nce coastal pictures. I always wonder what those RV owners are thinking when they lift the rigs that way- not me:)

  9. Enjoy you clam chowders there and a a casino campground with a view, awesome !
    Yes our Jacks can take the wheels of the ground but does not mean we should, the frame stress would be immense.

  10. Sure is a beautiful looking beach. I recognized the Chowder Bowl restaurant - fun to see it again.

    Pretty weird looking MH at that angle.


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