Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Finally … Warm Weather and Sunshine

The fog bank along the coast wasn’t just a little one.  It stretched along the coast from southern California as far north as British Columbia.  In some places it was so thick visibility was down to zero.  We've been this route several times.  Sometimes it was sunny.  This time it was a little foggy.  Another time it was quite smokey.

The mighty redwoods

Monday was our planned departure day out of the Elks in Eureka.  However,  when morning came the fog was very dense.  We felt like we were on the fence.  Should we go?  Should we stay one more day?  About noon we decided to get on the road.  The fog was still there but we also knew just south of Eureka the road started inland.  We were hoping that sunshine wasn’t far away.

Justin with our little hybrid trailer

We had a little glitch that delayed us a bit.  This glitch was with our fairly new sewer hose.  It wasn’t MY glitch … thank goodness!  It was Terry’s glitch.    Ever have a sewer hose split on you?  Well, he did.  So, a much needed shower and change of clothes took place before we could hit the road.  

We were finally on our way out of Eureka and within about 15 minutes on the road most of the fog had lifted. With the late start we decided not to make all the stops along this portion of the highway we had planned.  After all, we had traveled this route many times.  In 2007 we traveled through here when California was battling forest fires.  The fog reminded us of those forest fires because visibility was bad then too.  However, it was from smoke and not low clouds.

Once we got out of the heavy fog it was a great drive south.  The area was filled with gorgeous fall colors.  This route runs through part of the California Wine Country and fall colors were everywhere.even on the many ____Red4rows of grape vines.  It was a magnificent display of fall.

Not fog but lots of smoke due to forest fires

For some reason our GPS seems to take us on sightseeing tours of town before it takes us to the address we plugged in.  The Elks in Eureka was a simple mile off of  HWY 101.  However, Miss Garmin took us miles through town first.  She also gave us a small sightseeing trip through Petaluma before we finally arrived.  I’m not sure why she likes to make something so easy so difficult.  Making u-turns in a motorhome isn’t an easy thing to do but something she keeps telling us to do.  

We finally made it, got into a nice spot and were greeted by several others.  Our timing was perfect.  They had just started their spaghetti and chicken dinner feed at the lodge.  That’s another great advantage of visiting their RV parks …. the meals, the price, the convenience and many times, the people.

We arrived late in Petaluma on Monday but planned on hanging around on Tuesday.  We had much needed laundry that needed to be done especially after Terry's sewer hose fiasco.  Mr. Heater was put away, capris were brought out and the evening drink changed from hot chocolate to a frozen strawberry and ginger-ale smoothie.  The sun was shining and even the air conditioner was turned on.  We like it like this.  Wednesday we lift the levels again.

‘Tis life on the road.

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”


  1. That sounds like a pretty great day, (except for the sewer hose), gotta love when you can put Mr Heater away. enjoy your time there.

  2. Love the Redwoods.

    Very few of us can figure out our GPS. The people who drive those routes and input the information must do it while wearing beer glasses....lol

    We ate at the Eureka Elks also. Nice people.

    How do you make your smoothie? Sounds delicious.

    1. Since I've been asked in the past I thought I'd just add this. I make them a whole bunch of ways. I have a Ninja that is a perfect drink maker. You buy them at Wal-mart and you get a pitcher size and a single version in the same package. These things are little workhorses when it comes to chopping ice or frozen fruits. I don't make smoothies with ice cream or yogurt because of the calories but I just experiment with flavors I like. Here's a few examples.

      A handful or two of frozen strawberries and diet ginger-ale or diet 7up. That can be the smoothie. Or, you can cut down on the strawberries and add a banana. You can add frozen blueberries or blackberries or raspberries. You can also use frozen orange juice. It's not a recipe. I just add the ingredient until I like the consistency. Sometimes if it's too tart, I'll add a little sweet'n low. Sometimes I add ice cubes if I have fresh fruit.

  3. Haven't had a sewer hose split on me.........yet !

  4. Sounds nice to be switching from a heater to A/C - it's a lot better than a split sewer hose!!

  5. Split sewer hose - not fun. Dianna had that issue when Jim was helping her learn to dump. Oh boy. Glad to hear you have sunshine. Warming up the next couple of days and then cooling back down on the week-end into the 80's. Yippee!!

  6. Bye bye Mr. Heater. We can't quite do that yet. Snow on the mountains out the window but it's not cold, just a little chilly in the morning and not damp.


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