Saturday, September 14, 2013

Birthdays Come in Clumps

You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.


Terry is celebrating a birthday on Sunday.  Since I really didn’t have much to blog about I thought I’d look for some kiddie pictures of him and post them.  Yes, he has changed a bit.

SIL Robert has a birthday on Tuesday.  That’s the day my brother is scheduled for a pacemaker 0sep15_7implant so I'll be spending most of it at a hospital in Portland.  Then, later in the week we have DIL Sabrina’s birthday too.  It is definitely a birthday week.   Birthdays tend to come in clumps for us.  A two month breather from birthdays follows but the next one is a mighty important one …  It’s MINE and it falls on Thanksgiving Day so now that everyone knows, there’s plenty of time to shop and get a nice gift in the mail to me.

Even though I really don’t have much to blog it doesn’t mean we’ve been doing nothing.  Monday I got back from my first cousin reunion in Texas and we’ve been running ever since.  It’s also been quite warm for September.  Earlier this week we spotted a thermometer reading 101 ! It felt at least that hot so didn’t have a reason to question it.   The temperatures have been in the 90’s this week but the last couple of days we’ve even seen early morning clouds and fog creating quite an eerie feeling.  Regardless of the daily high, fall is definitely on its way.

The order was finally made for our awning's replacement fabric.  We figured out what we needed and got it taken care of.  I’m not sure why I didn’t do it sooner.  If I had we would be installing now. We also feel installation of it could certainly be interesting !!

We’ve been busy on the motorhome with other maintenance items.  Carpets have been scrubbed, basement bins cleaned out and even new towels and bedding added.  In a couple weeks we’ll be closing up the “cabin” by collapsing the canopies, greenhouse and putting the grill and smoker under lock and key.

Our take-off plans keep getting changed.  However, we should be used to that by now.  Mid-0sep15_6October we’ll be on the road again and looking for that winter sunshine but we’re not quite ready yet.  We have one more tentative little trip on the schedule plus we’ve been dealing with health issues of my brother.

I hope as I age I can remember to appreciate those who do for me.  I also hope I can remember what it’s like to be on the end of giving and not of receiving.  Getting old isn’t much fun especially if everything hurts.



We’re off to Jordie’s soccer game today.  Tomorrow it’s the RV show. 

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. header photo. Very nice.

    Happy, happy birthday Terry. Hope Sunday brings you tons of sunshine and lots and lots of

    Saying a prayer for mom and a successful surgery!

    1. I need to work on that header to clear it up. It's work in progress. Mom's fine for now.

  2. Being there for family, whether it's a celebration or a surgery, is good. Hope your brother comes out fine. I'd say bring a good book to the hospital but I'm sure you already plan to do that. I'm rereading the Ann of Green Gables series and enjoying it very much.

  3. happy birthday! I cannot use birthday candles anymore due to fire regulations:(

  4. I don't think Terry has changed much at all. Same great smile.

    Aha, we will be together for your birthday. What do you want?

    Please, we need to try out your smoker.

  5. There may be a lot of birthdays, but everyone looks like they aren't slowed down by getting a little older. :c)

    Thanksgiving birthday, eh? I guess that's better than a Christmas birthday. ;c)

  6. Happy Birthday Terry I am sure you had an awesome day!

  7. Happy Birthday, Terry, have a great day.

    Best wishes for a successful pacemaker procedure for your brother.


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