Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Homecoming - Norfolk Bound

Homecoming means coming home to what is in your heart.  

uss_gravely_commissioning1 nov2010I loved writing that title above but probably not as much as Justin would love it.  We received a phone call from him on Sunday.  He had tried to call several times the day before but no such luck.  When you’re on the other side of the world times are different and pay phones are expensive.  However, Sunday was our lucky day.

uss_gravely_commissioning2 nov2010
Not only did he want to touch base with us but he also wanted to let us know that shipmates are starting to talk about the big event … heading back to the United States and their “homecoming” in Norfolk.   They’ve seen lots of the world since they headed out to sea in February but “Homecoming  is uppermost in their mind.  He wanted to know if we could be there to greet him in Norfolk when his ship pulled in. Would we come to his homecoming?  That was the question.  So .... we’re thinking we may just be Norfolk bound this fall! (Add that to our list of things on our calendar I posted on the last blog.)   Not sure how we’re going to do this though since we won’t have much notice and Duchess needs a keeper.  We will certainly work it out if we can and at least one of his will definitely be there..  That’s just about the most exciting news I can think of right now! 

However, we have to take it one step at a time.  We have several other places we need to be before we head to Norfolk. The first real trip on our agenda is the one Terry will need to make to a wedding in Virginia and that one is coming up real soon.  Then, we have the trip for our family reunion.  The next trip is about 3 weeks later and that's the cousins' reunion in Texas .... then, we'll start thinking about Norfolk or heading south ... depending on timing of either one of those which will come first.  Aargh!


Tammi and Robert fishing on the lake


One of many!

We made a trip back up to our little “cabin” only to discover that the refrigerator may have died. (I thought it best not to take pictures of that.)  I took several garbage bags of food items to the dump.  That’s not a fun thing to do.  The gas on the refrigerator works fine but it’s the electric that isn’t working.  Without knowing that, we shut off the gas before we pulled out. 


Terry did discover that a fuse had blown.  Is that all it is?  We don’t know yet.  We went to four different places yesterday trying to find a new fuse and no one had one.  So, that's just one more thing we have to fix.  We figure an RV place might be the best place to look.


Speed limit in one area was 5mph.  I had no problem keeping it under that.

Monday was also another beautiful day on the lake.  It was one of those days when the water was amazing.  It was peaceful and perfect.  Tammi and Robert grabbed their fishing poles and played the catch and release game with trout.  They caught them and then gave them their life back.


I still want a new lightweight paddle but haven’t found anyone willing to buy one for me!

Finishing off the day at the community putt-putt area.

Ever have a step break on your motorhome?  Well, that was what we had break on Tuesday.  It was the arm underneath the step and the bolt broke right into.  Getting a new one ordered has proven a very difficult task. I guess we're going to have to go straight to Monaco.  The RV places around here don't seem too willing to help.  However, we did find the fuse at the first RV shop we stopped at.  That was a good thing.


‘Tis life on the road.


  1. The homecoming will be exciting for sure. hope you can both make it.
    We had a simliar part break on ours, one place said a week to get the part and $95.00. Called another place had the part in next day only $55.00.
    If it's a Kwikkee step contact them for parts.

  2. This is wonderful news. You have made my day.

    I pray every night that God will watch over our military men and women. Justin is at the top of the list. What a wonderful homecoming he will receive with y'all matter how you get there.

  3. That is such great news. I bet Justin is beyond excited to get back home. Sure hope you can work something out so you can be there. But you guys are definitely busy. Too bad about that fridge and then the step. Never a dull moment. The lake looks so beautiful. I have my fingers crossed that somebody somewhere will buy you that paddle you want.

  4. That is a busy schedule! Sure makes time fly! The lake looks beautiful as always. That fish will sure make a great "fish story". Sorry to hear about the fridge.

    We had the opportunity to go to our oldest son's Homecoming. He served in the Navy (as did Joe). It was an awesome experience and a very emotional one. We were allowed a short tour of the ship and met some of his shipmates. I do hope you both can go.

  5. Sounds like you've got some serious traveling to do this year!

    Ugh...on the fridge quitting. Hopefully, it's just the fuse.

  6. Did I hear - dog sitter? But I don't think you know the date yet. However, if we are at your place at Kalama, we would be happy to sit.

  7. You win some, you lose some. Great that you found the fridge fuse, but too bad about the step bolt. That is a very unusual one, I've never seen something like that before. Hope Monaco has them in stock.

    That will be nice to meet Justin at Norfolk. I hope he'll be able to get time off. I too often had duty when we pulled into home port and had to wait until the next day to go home. :c(

  8. When is his homecoming? Where in Virginia is Terry going to be for the wedding? We will be in Virginia at least until September 15th or so. You guys sure are busy. Hoping to see you this winter!

  9. Life has it ups and downs but doing either with a broken step is hard.

  10. That's a lotta trips. I'm surprisingly very content staying in one spot for awhile.

    I just recently had the bolt for the step snap in two. Had a guy order the part and fix it with no trouble at all.

    Speed limits on the water ??


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