Sunday, June 16, 2013

It’s Graduation Time

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.


Just like all our days seem to be, we have been very busy.  It’s not that we’ve been kayaking.  However, that’s on the agenda for Sunday.  We’ve been busy being entertained by Jordie.  It’s graduation time!

Friday started the festivities with a barbecue at her house.  Her grandparents from Texas were there as well as her great grandparents from Colorado.  Graduation is a big deal and everyone was celebrating.

Of course, Jordie had to do the obligatory modeling for all of us while we took dozens of pictures.

It definitely was an evening all about Jordan even down to the cookie dessert.



Check out these heels ……….. this is what she had decided to wear to the graduation ceremony!   

The most important event was the graduation itself. 

Once it was over and Jordie had that diploma in her hands, her folks started celebrating!  Both their kids were now out of high school.    Justin was their first to graduate and Jordan was their last.  I’m sure they partied all night … well, at least until 10:00!  They’re not late nighters and I doubt that will change.


The next day was another celebration.  This one I had a little trouble controlling myself with the food.  The barbecue was easy because salmon was on the menu.  The lunch on Saturday was at a Chinese buffet with lots of seafood including all you can eat steamed clams  -- one of my very favorite foods.  Thank goodness that’s one of Jordie’s favorite foods too.  I’m dreading getting on the scale Sunday morning but my fingers are crossed the increase won’t be too much.

_grad_IMG_3873 _grad_IMG_3875

Later we had work to do to get ready for the next day’s kayak outing.  We are going kayaking on the Columbia River …..  Here’s Sandi helping Papa put some more riggings on my kayak.  She's hard to recognize in that postion.


Next we loaded the kayaks on the Jeep. (Thanks, Bonnie, for the hint!)
(Toni – check out your reserved RV spot. Of course, the cars won’t be there when you are)


It was a nice day.  We ended it with a little fire in the “fireplace”.


Jordan, Sabrina, her mother and her mother are working on a generation picture.  Here’s the start of this picture.  The next one would be the mother holding the picture and then of her mother.


Sunday’s another busy day …..

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. My niece just graduated in Germany. It's a wonderful time for the family.

  2. So nice to be part of the festivities on graduation day.
    Lots of memories to be made agian.

  3. Jordie looks so pretty. I think she takes a bit after her grandma!

    I love the idea of a generation photo. I have never heard of that. Be sure to post the final photo. How are they making this photo? If you tell me, do you have to kill me?

  4. You guys really do know how to celebrate. Looks like a really great time - all of them. Have fun kayaking. Tell Terry Happy Father's Day from me.

  5. congrats to Jordie, on her high school graduation! Bet those shoes were mighty comfy?

  6. How'd Jordie grow up so fast? I bet it seems like only yesterday you were holding her, all wrapped up and just born. She sure has grown into a lovely young lady. Hope her daddy has a good shotgun handy. ;c)

    Your kayaks look great on the JAGJEEP. I knew you'd find a solution on how to carry them.

  7. OOOOOO our RV site. So exciting.

  8. Congratulations to the beautiful graduate! I wish I were there to go kayaking with you all - I carry my kayak on my rig, but never go in the water all alone!

    1. I don't have your email or I would respond directly. Who knows where we just might meet up and be able to go together. I certainly understand not wanting to go all by yourself. I wouldn't want to either!


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