Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cousins and Other Visitors

One that would have the fruit must climb the tree.

It was time to fire that smoker back up.  We hadn’t been hanging around the cabin too much as we had other things on our mind so the smoker didn’t get the usage last week as it did the week before..  However, we had cousins  who were spending the day with us on Thursday so thought that might be a good day to get that smoker going again.  What did we decide to smoke?  Well, it’s been awfully hard for me to just smoke one item. We decided to do beef and salmon.  A meat slicer would certainly come in handy!

__june22_2The weather on Thursday had originally been predicted to be another nice day with little rain.  We thought we might be out kayaking with them but that wasn’t to be.  Maybe it’s that Murphy’s Law thing.  I don’t know but the new prediction started off with a 20% chance of rain and I think we had 20%  of sunshine.

We had other visitors along with the cousins.  This nice buck stopped by for dinner. 


In addition to the buck a new neighbor, Mrs. Raccoon, decided to try to get the seed from the bird feeders and the corn from the squirrel feeders.  We weren’t too happy about that.

On Friday we picked up the other two bars for our Jeep rack.  Now it’s ready to go and finished.  However, I am rethinking my kayak purchase.  I thought they were all alike but not so.  Only time will tell what I do about that.

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Another outing on Friday was at Taste of Asia, a local Chinese buffet, where steamed clams are a big attraction.  Well, the crab legs are too.  Both my brothers and Sandi joined us and certainly put a big dent in that restaurant’s seafood supply.  However, I didn’t eat  much.  Heck … I don’t eat much of anything anymore but must admit I did have a couple tastes.  It’s an amazing restaurant.  Eventually, I plan on going back and pigging out on the seafood there … eventually.

We are definitely ready to get on the road again and are talking about it.  Hopefully, this next week the motorhome will be prepared and we can head out after that.  We just need to pick a spot to go.  Only time will tell where and when.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Oh no, rethinking the kayaks? I bet you want one with a motor...

    That roof rack looks pretty good though, and will be very handy if you ever overturn your JAGEEP in a river. :c)

  2. Looks like you might get a lot of four footed company during deer season:)

  3. I love your deer but raccoons not so much. Vicious critters.

  4. Question...Do the deer suffer any when winter comes and you two aren't there to feed them? I wonder the same thing about out birds we are now feeding. I hope they don't become so dependent on us.

    Those raccoons can be so destructive!

  5. Looks like you live in a zoo with all that wildlife.
    The food there looks delicious.
    Just hop in the coach and go, there is always some place that will let you stay.

  6. Those deer seem very used to humans - great photo. That seafood buffet looked pretty good!

  7. I happen to know a nice RV Park you can visit.......and put those kayaks to use as well !!

  8. Well if you make it up this way there is a spot open in Spiker's RV Resort. And you could kayak the Island.


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