Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Those Wheels Seem To Be Stuck

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you  have their shoes.

It’s not that we’re traveling down the road right now.  We’ve been catching up from the traveling we did this winter.  Sometimes it feels so good to go and other times it feels so good not to go.  What really suits me is a little bit of both.  I love being in our motorhome and going places.  I also love being at our “cabin” and not going places.  Terry, on the other hand, would probably hang around the “cabin” for a much longer time than I would.  I don’t think his feet “itch” as often as mine.  I’m still taking lots of pictures of our critters around here.

Remember this shot from a couple years back at our other little homebase on the other hill?

Deer are going after the bird seed on the top of our outdoor fireplace.
In April we flew to Arizona and drove our car to Washington via Utah.  We both enjoyed the quick trip.  Terry much prefers quick trips to long trips.  We had actually figured we’d take one quick trip a month during the summer.  After all, we have dog-sitters here for Duchess.  What good does it do us to plan these things if they always get changed?

May was the month we were going to head to Hannibal.  The time is almost on us and Terry is already balking.  He’s not sure he DSC07053really wants to pick up and go.  Forbid!  If we don’t go to Hannibal, we must go someplace.  We must!!  Oh sure we took a weekend jaunt and headed 200 miles north but that doesn’t count.  After all, it was for a funeral.  Perhaps, he would prefer to do that trip later in the summer.  We certainly don’t want to head that way during tornado season and there have been a lot of tornados recently.

Here’s Mr. Squirrel

In the meantime, I’m back looking at the map and trying to figure out someplace easy to get to where I want to go that he would want to go too.  It’s still too cool to head someplaces and too hot to head others.  It’s a big country but he seems to be quite relaxed right now just where he is.  What am I going to do?  It’s such a dilemma for me!

Not that I don’t already have a lot of things going on with reading, sewing, genealogy, DNA, blogging, planning a reunion and photography but Tammi showed up with wood burning equipment.  So, Sunday I spent playing with new toys,  wood burning toys.  Now that was fun too.

And, another hummingbird --

Monday we pulled the motorhome out of the temporary storage lot and moved it down to a mechanic to go through.  You can tell we’re getting ready to go someplace with that too …. again, we have no clue where.

 'Tis life on the road ...........


  1. At least the cobwebs will be cleared off your motorhome. Here we wish we could go someplace but are still stuck with the VA stuff. :c(

    Go someplace fun...for us!

  2. Too bad Terry is not the wandering type. We have been in the road for 8 years and still have no desire to settle in one spot yet.
    Goot luck with your adventures.

  3. You know my solution. Buy yourself a van and take off for your short jaunts without Terry. You don't have to go the whole winter like I did.

  4. My mom would say that you, Jeri, have gasoline a--. Give the poor man a few days to catch his breath. You have such a lovely place there, why not just enjoy it for a short while?

  5. I so know what you mean. Jim is really content to sit here and then to sit in Montana (or I should say fish) and I would love to go more often. But with health issues I'm learning to adjust. Sort of. Good luck with getting somewhere for a get away.

  6. STOP IT! Stop taunting us. We want you to come here.

  7. As much as I'd love to see you guys DON'T come here. It's raining and cold !

  8. Well Spiker's RV Resort just happens to have an opening. Just think then we could both Taunt Toni.


  9. I'm pretty happy to stay at home once we get back from our winter vacation as well. I've got lots to do here and I enjoy our nice, comfortable summer weather.

  10. It's not easy when one has more hitch-itch than the other. Hope you find a compromise that works for both of you. Great hummingbird shot.

  11. Didn't know that deer are into the bird food! What a shot.
    Luck for me that the few deer of the island haven't discovered my feeders yet.
    I agree with Linda S.


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