Sunday, May 5, 2013

Riding the Ferry In the Puget Sound

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


Another beautiful day was upon us.  Saturday morning we took the last view out our hotel patio door.  Looking at the water is always so peaceful and it sure looked peaceful this morning.  Very few people were out and about.  The water was flat but the birds were certainly being vocal.


Instead of hanging around Silverdale, we decided to take the short drive over to Kingston and take an early ferry to Edmonds.  We had no idea what time they ran but it didn’t really matter since we knew it was pretty often.  Our wait was short and before you know it we were loading on the ferry.  There was quite _edmonds_6a crowd going towards Seattle.  We were directed to the upper car level.

Terry and I headed upstairs to the observation deck and the restaurant area.  Again, it was a beautiful day and we had gorgeous views all the way across the Puget Sound.  The Olympic range was behind us and Mt. Baker was peaking to the north of us. This is the beautiful Washington state we love. 

The ride from Kingston to Edmonds is a short 30 minute one.  We still had lots of time to kill until the memorial service started at 1:00.  Terry was hungry so our first stop was Demetrius which is just across the road from the ferry dock.  

Next stop was Brackett's Landing.  That’s actually where we parked the Jeep while we went to breakfast.  This is a nice sandy beach area that locals were already starting to get set up for the day.  In addition to the locals, there was also a couple scuba certification classes going on.  

The difference between getting certified in the Puget Sound and where we got certified is that here they have to wear a dry suit because the water is so cold.  Those things are big and huge and require you to add more weights to your gear …. that definitely isn’t for me.


Here they are … See if you can see all the little heads popping up in the water. 


While waiting I took a few walks along the beach and along the trails.  I watched the ferries come and go.    I also walked down the wharf.  Fishing poles were in the water and the owners of those poles were hoping to hook onto a legal Coho salmon. 

Marina, Jetty and Wharf
Tiny Coho Salmon


Then, back close to the car I saw this character sitting on a bench.  It was my cousin, Wally! He and Susie had just arrived on the ferry too.  They had come in from Port Angeles.

Check out the eagle.  We saw several eagles and I kept trying to get a good close-up picture of at least one of them.  That turned out to be nearly impossible.  It wasn’t me.  It was my camera.  My little camera only has a 16X lens.  That’s an equivalency of a 384mm lens.  Having such a short optical lens sure can be a handicap especially when trying to take photos of wildlife.   Oh well …. I may decide to fix that problem in the very near future.


The memorial service was much longer than we had expected.  We figured we’d be back across the ferry and on our way home within a couple hours.  That didn’t happen.  Lunch was served before the celebration of life began so we couldn’t pass on it.  About three hours after arriving we  finally said “goodbye” to everyone and were on our way back.


It was pretty much a non-stop trip until we picked up Duchess.  One thing I really like about this area is how long it stays light in the evening during the summer months.  It’s not even summer yet and this picture was taken at 8:25 PM. 

Saturday was a busy day.  We expected Sunday to be busy too.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Busy days are something that always just kinda happen.

  2. Love the header photo!

    What a lovely day for the celebration. I spotted the heads bobbing around.

  3. You were right, it was a beautiful North West Day. On Sunday freinds and I took the Coupeville\Pt Townsend Ferry over to Pt Townsend for the afternoon. Did a little sight seeing and a lot of sitting out on the deck at a favorite restaurant watching the sail boats out and about. We could see both Mt Baker and Mt Rainier.

  4. Beautiful pictures Geri. Lots of eagles here too.

  5. Your Saturday was busy, and your Sunday too. What day of the week are you not busy? (Ha Ha!).

    It still was a cool picture of the eagle, even if it wasn't too close. Going to be interesting to see how you solve that zoom lens shortfall... :c)

  6. I love reading about all the ferry rides. That still is such a foreign concept for me growing up in Montana with no ferries to be found. Bet Duchess was happy to see you.

  7. Your header photo is really awesome! Having been on so many ferries during my life, I think they always look nicer from the shore!

  8. These ferries are at least big enough - not like that little thingy I rode in last week.


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