Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

Motherhood:  All Love Begins and Ends There.

There is nothing better than being around family .. absolutely nothing.  That’s where we’ve been pretty much for the last month or so.  If we’re not piddling around on the homebase, we’ve been piddling around with them.  The last few days were no exception.

Another beautiful lake and Mt. St. Helens photo taken on our morning walk with Duchess.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous so we’ve been able to spend a good deal of time out of doors enjoying it.  However, those outdoor outings are expected to stop real soon as rain is predicted over the next few days.

Our smoker patio
More food being smoked


We’ve done some more experimenting with our new smoker.  We’re getting better too especially when we “listen” to our talking thermometer.  When it says the food is ready, it’s ready.  Previously we were paying more attention to the recipe book.  Believe me, the thermometer knows what it's talking about.

See how Sandi helps me.

Sandi and Michael have been hanging  around.  I put Sandi to work feeding the deer and enjoying the sunshine with me.  

See how Michael helps Papa.

 Papa put Michael to work helping him and also painting some of the trim.  I really can't say Papa put Michael to work.  Michael volunteered!!  Aren't grandsons great?

Even the deer came around to watch and eat.

Then, I got the call.  This was prom night for Jordie.  Off Sandi and I went into town to take pictures of the big event.  What does a girl go through for something like this ….. plenty!

First comes the hair, then the makeup and then the hair again.  Next comes the mirror and the mirror again.  Finally, the father is called in with the trusty drill to help a little on the construction work.  That’s when the boy comes in and wonders what’s going on that the father needs a drill to help get the girl ready for a date with him …. hmmm.


Then, the first glance of each other as the couple checks the other out all dressed up in their finery.  Next, of course, are the obligatory pictures ….. yes, hundreds of them.

Getting close
Even Dad is needed here

Finally, the work was done and she was finished.  Then, the first glance as the couple checks the other out all dressed up in their finery.

First glance

Next, of course, were the obligatory pictures ….. yes, hundreds of them.  Finally, it was off and out the door they went.  

Picture 1 of 100

 Notice the gorgeous wrist corsage.  It lights up!

Beautiful couple
They clean up pretty good.  Don't they?

Sandi and I were out of there too.    We had plans too.  It’s not that we needed to dress  up for those.  We were off to B I N GO!  Sandi was the big winner of the night!  I walked into the clubhouse with more money than I walked out with. 

 Sandi, on the other hand, left with plenty of cash in her pocket!

The winner !

Today’s another day and more family activity is planned.  After all, it’s Mother’s Day!!  Sabrina received flowers from Justin yesterday.  She was almost in tears at the unexpected delivery. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mother’s out there.  And, of course, Happy Mother’s Day most to Sabrina and Tammi.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Questions? 1. What was the drill for? 2. Did you wipe up all the piddle?

    So nice to be enjoying your kids and grandkids.

    I miss you.

    1. 1. The drill was the easiest way I guess to put an extra fastener on the shoe.
      2. Silly girl .. not that kind of piddle. :~}
      3. Come see us.

  2. Drilled a hole to put a fastener on a shoe? Do the shoes get screwed on?

    Jordie really looked lovely, I can see how much she resembles you. Must be the acorn/tree thing. :c)

    Lovely view of Mount St. Helens. I hope you're house is upwind from it... :c0

    Too bad about the bingo loss, but at least the money went home with Sandi!

  3. Jordie and her date are a really nice looking couple, love their fancy prom clothes!

    Happy Mother's Day! :)

  4. nice looking couple!, and they do clean up well!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. I'm still trying to picture drilling a shoe.

  6. Can't agree with you more in spending time with family. The best

    A talking thermometer? Now that is a new one on me.

    Jordie looks absurely gorgeous!

    Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  7. Thank goodness for men and their tools. What a gorgeous couple. They just grow up way too fast. Way to go Sandi.

  8. More wonderful photos again today. Like the idea of that talking thermometer.
    More awesome family time.


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