Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tulip Trot

“For sale:  Parachute.  Only used once, never opened, small stain.”

_apr12ba1 _apr12ba2 __apr12ba1

Just like last year I was represented in the Tulip Trot by Sabrina and Jordan. This year even Lee joined with cheering them on. As the official family photographer. I was there taking my pictures. It was either join in the Trot or take the pictures …… it’s obvious what I decided to do.  However,  as the official photographer I would have to give myself an “F”.


My time -

Jordie’s time
theyAttachment-1 (2)

Sabrina’s time

Yes, I must admit …. I failed at both as a photographer as a race contestant.  To begin with as you can probably tell, I didn’t really race and I didn’t really have the best time.  I did take some great pictures but accidently deleted them when I was transferring to my computer.  I had to swipe __atulip2the ones Lee had taken.  Thus, the grade of “F”.

As we travel around in our RV we use a lot of Laundromats.   I have discovered the dryers are not all the same.  Some of them really put out super hot heat.  I’ve gotten pretty good at knowing what clothes are going to shrink and what ones aren’t.  My clothes shrink and Terry’s never do.  They don’t shrink a lot just enough that they don’t fit anymore.  It is the dryer’s fault … isn’t it?

I’ve also noticed that my rings are shrinking.  Ever had your rings shrink?  I’m not sure what’s causing that but I know for sure they aren’t the size they used to be.  They’re hard to get on and harder yet to get off.  I finally dropped six of them at the local jewelers.  How long as it been since you’ve priced  ring sizing?  When I pick them up this time I’m going to ask for a guarantee they won’t shrink again.  They certainly should guarantee their work … don’t you think?

Projects are still underway even though some have finished.  Check out our new porch Terry put on our Summertime home base.


This is the biggest project …  heavy blocks.   Terry started digging the dirt, put in a few blocks and then talk to a handyman down the road.  It’s a big project.  He’s going to let the handyman put those 61 pounds block in place.  I think that’s a great idea.

Monday night we visited Nick’s.  It’s definitely not a fancy place but we’ve had some pretty good grub there in the past.  The waitress served me a glass of “hot” water when I commented how cold it was out.  The water wasn’t to drink.  It was to put my hands around to warm me up.  Pretty ==april161nifty, huh?

This is what I ordered … a luscious shrimp salad.  It was so big that it served as dinner Monday night and lunch on Tuesday.

Tuesday I ran Terry to the airport as he was off to Arizona .  You’d think he would have had enough of that place for the year.  The temperatures are getting warmer (almost hot) and he’s heading in that direction?  Well, I’ll be going too but he gets a head start before I head that way==april164 so that he can spend some time with his mother.  We had originally planned this trip in May but since we had a few other things come up at that time, we figured we’d just go earlier.

Just down the road from the airport is the Cascade Station Mall.  Since it’s in Oregon there’s no sales tax.  To make it worth my while I just had to make a stop. I didn’t leave empty handed either.  

I haven’t decided yet … no sense in rushing the decision … but I’ll be flying out Wednesday night or Thursday to join Terry in Arizona.  Then the road trip begins as we head north again for the second time this month.  

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Looks like Jordan was a bit chilly. The girls look great.

    Ever since we went to Mission this past winter, the dryers keep shirking our clothes too. We will see what happens here in Ohio.

    Your place is looking so lovely!

  2. We lost some pictures too once and Rick Doyle told me of a program that I was about to retrieve them with, worked real slick.
    Summer house looking good there.
    Shrinking clothes and Jewelry happens just have to shopping for more.

  3. shrinkage problem?..that's too bad, we feel your pain!
    have fun shopping though, at least you have a justified reason to shop!

  4. I stole the "parachute" and put it on Facebook.

    My rings shrink only in the morning!

    Can't wait to see your summer place. We told Joe of our tentative plan and he is thrilled with that.

  5. Your place is really looking great. All that hard work is really paying off. It's not too hot today down here. Only in the 70's today but back up to the 90's by the week-end. Shrinking clothes and rings - gee I wouldn't know anything about that. (Yeah right!)

  6. That's pretty good, getting others to run in your place. Carrying on that idea, maybe you can find others to do things in your place like your laundry, washing your car, paying your taxes. I'm sure you can! ;c)

    I don't wear any rings so I can't tell if they are shrinking or not. Maybe they should make rings out of spandex?

  7. I think I missed something along the way but I sure enjoy your blog. Are you in Oregon?
    Was your Tulip Trot at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farms in Woodburn? Also, we were recently at Cascade Station... Love IKEA and Carhartts. And that Target store is like a small city! Have never seen one that large.


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