Thursday, February 28, 2013

Time to Hit the Road Again

The biggest hurdle is figuring out who your friends are.  Your real friends.

It’s been four days since I posted but I’m back again!   Again, the flights were uneventful.  I like uneventful flights …. obviously.   This time I flew direct from Phoenix to Portland and return.  It’s much easier and shorter than the flights I did last week when I Feb28_4was flying from Phoenix to Dallas to Portland.  Those make for a very, very long day.

( No, Rick, I'm not eligible for all those air miles.  I certainly wish I was!!)

The return flight landed about midnight Tuesday night or was that early Wednesday morning? My cousin, Shelley, flew back on the same flight I did.  That made the time pass so much quicker since I had someone to talk to. 

Wednesday was spent getting a few more things done and then a very long catch-up nap.  

One of the most important things we had to take care of on Wednesday was putting our Jeep Liberty in storage.  We dropped it off at the American Legion, gave a donation and told them we’d be back in May to pick it up.


We also made a stop at the local Camping World to check out the lot for overnight facilities prior to our service appointment Friday morning. 

 We ended up with a new tire cover ---

After just about four weeks being in the same place, it’s time to move.  Our time is up today and we’re ready.   I guess that means we need to decide exactly where we’re going to go.  We have a couple ideas but nothing concrete yet. 

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Wow, at the Legion for just a donation.

    We're hoping!

  2. I like starting the day not know ing where I'll park that night. As long as I have some destinations in mind, that is. I like being free to choose but having no good candidates is scary.

  3. Welcome home! Now cut those roots that are beginning to grow and have fun rolling again. We're wondering where you'll go next. You find fun things everywhere you go. :c)

  4. Just wondering why not take the jeep with you?

  5. Just another benefit of being a Legion member.

  6. I'll likely be not too far behind you !

  7. You sure get around. Safe travels my friend.

  8. Nothing like "flying by the seat of your pants" - we'll all have to wait and see where you end up!


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