Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine Baby and Cancer Free

“Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart."

Today is Valentine’s Day.  It’s also Sandi’s 16th birthday.  She’s our Valentine Baby for sure.  Normally her mom takes the day off with her and they do something special together.  This year Tammi is on a business trip and isn’t able to do that.  However ….. that’s where Papa comes in.  He just happened to plan his doctor appointment at birthday time.  What does Sandi want to do?  She wants him to take her to a shooting range !!  What?   Last year she and her mom played Laser Tag.  She’s already got one of her birthday gifts ….. a scuba diving certification course! 

After the last few years with Terry and doctor appointments, we’ve not always had good Wednesday was another one of those appointments that I waited for the news … good news, I hoped.   All the blood tests had been done on Tuesday but the appointment with the doctor was the one I held my breathe for.   The last couple years he’s had good reports but the years before that the doctor appointments hadn’t always brought good news.   
I waited for the results.  Time sure goes slow when you’re waiting for news..  Finally the call came and the news was good.  Terry is still cancer free --- three years later.

Michael has been shuffling him around in Washington. At least he had a driver and someone with him. Now I’m not really sure between the two of them which one was the responsible adult … and which one wasn’t. Just because one is the grandpa and one the grandson, doesn’t really mean a thing with those two. They can both get into trouble ….. :~)

Michael is chauffeuring  Papa around.  Times change things and grandsons grow up.

On Tuesday I made a trip to the post office and mailed our packet of title documents and check for our license plates for the newly acquired JAG.  In Arizona the license plates belong to the owner of the car.  Thus, they are removed when the vehicle is sold  That, of course, meant we had no license plates.  We were hoping for a fast turn-around and that’s just exactly what we will get. The plates were put in an express mail envelope on Wednesday for delivery on Thursday!   How’s that for fast service?    

Happy Valentine's Day 

Happy Birthday, Sandi

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Glad to hear the reports were good, keep the string going.

  2. Wonderful news! You can't get a better present for Valentines Day than that! :c)

  3. Such great news that all of Terry's results came back good.

  4. Great news. Always nice to get good news from the doctor. Happy BD to Sandi.

  5. Great news for Terry and you. Hope it stays that way.

  6. What a great Valentine's gift for both you and especially Terry! Perfect!

  7. Please pas along to Terry how thrilled Paul and I are at the wonderful news. God is Good!

    Tell Sandi we say happy birthday. Hope Terry survived the ordeal.


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