Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Life Happens

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

We all know life happens.  It happens no matter where you are, where you live or what you live in.  It happens.  Sometimes so much is thrown your way it’s hard to come up for a breath … or, even finding time to read or write blogs.  Such has been the case.  We’ve all been there.
photo (2) 
Last Saturday I wrote I was on my way to Portland to spend time with my aunt.  I want to think she knew someone was there and she wasn’t alone. She was non-responsive but still I like to think she knew I was there.

Jenny Thomas taken Christmas 2012  (1919 – 2013)

In a couple days I’ll be making that trip again. She’s no longer there but this time it’s to celebrate the life she lived.

Our original plan was to pull out of the Phoenix area tomorrow (Thursday).  Needless to say, that has now changed and we’ll probably be here for another week.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Jeri it is my belied that she knew you were there. And that always is a comfort. You are a good person for taking the time to be there for her.

  2. I have no doubt that she knew you were there with her and someday she will be able to thank you for that. And you know that you did the right thing.

  3. It is so great that you could be there for her.

  4. It is very difficult to see loved ones age.. a celebration of her life will be a great comfort to everyone.

  5. I am sure she knew you were there and it was so nice that you were.

  6. So sorry my friend. Hugs and shoulders for you!

  7. Our love and prayers are with you Jeri and Terry. As it goes...she is at peace.

  8. You did the right thing by being there, for yourself and for her.

  9. I'm glad you were able to spend some time with your Aunt at the end. So sorry to hear that she has passed away.

  10. I'm sorry for your loss but glad you were able to be there for you and her.

  11. Sorry to hear about the passing on of your aunt. What a nice photo to remember her! She looked so happy.
    I think it was great that you could visit with her for a short while and, I am sure she new you were there.
    Time to mourn and time to celebrate her life.


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