Tuesday, January 15, 2013

“The Largest Gathering Of RVers in the World”

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."

This is not our first time to attend the great event at Q.  For  the last four Januarys we have been here.  We’ve wandered around the vendors down Kuehn Street, Main Street, in the Big Tent and even on the side streets.  In the past there have been a lot of them.  During January Q is the place to be.  It is a mecca for RVers and that’s easy to see as you drive through this town.  travel2
Heading to Q

Almost every street has an RV park and on every road into town RVs can be seen parked all over the desert.  In that respect everything remains the same.  The difference is the number of RVs in the parks and on the surrounding land.  I'm not so sure there are as many here this year as last.  I also know that when the Big Tent opens even more RVers flock to this area. Maybe they are just a little later in coming this year. They come in droves arriving from the north and from the south on Hwy 95. Others travel east and west arriving on I10. When activity is at it’s peak, traffic can even be at a standstill.

What is the attraction?  Well, one of the attractions is other RVers.  It is THE place.  It is definitely the place to meet other RVers and usually where most January get togethers are planned.   If you haven’t been to Quartzsite, you just haven’t been and you’ll never understand. Another attraction is the vendors and their wares.  Little tented vendors set up just about everywhere.  I would think it would be impossible to visit all of them even in a couple days.  Beaders and jeweler enthusiasts think they are in Bead Heaven when they arrive here.  There is just about every tool, every bead, every gem and everything else they need in this town during the winter.  Then, there are rocks and more rocks and even quartz. town

RVs are everywhere  

Supplies are available for gold panning and gold digging.  Antiques can be found by the thousands and so can handmade crafts. Travel trailers, 5th wheels and motorhomes are for sale on every corner.  Dealers transport their inventory in hopes of snagging a buyer in search of a new “home”.  It’s big time here.   In other words, just about everything is for sale  around here – everything legal that is.  I wouldn’t have a clue about things illegal but after all, this is Arizona.

circle campfire
 Some groups circle their wagons --  Campfires are plentiful

Then, there are books and book sellers.  Almost everyone who visits Quartzsite makes a stop at the bookstore of Three Socks. Even though the bookstore is loaded with new and used books and magazines, it’s not the store itself that is the draw.  Most can’t even remember the name of the store. The desire to stop and “Look, See” is due to the reputation of the owner.  He’s bookstorenicknamed Three Socks for a reason.  The reason is because normally that’s all he wears ….. just three socks.  However, with all the cold weather this little town has been having recently, I’m guessing Mr. Three Socks is wearing a lot more than just three socks.  Been there, done that and unless I’m looking for a book, don’t need to go back.

The Big Tent brings a whole new flock of vendors. Many of these big time products include items such as Blue Ox hitches to generators to awnings to solar to tire pressure gauges. The list goes on to other miscellaneous gadgets, cookware, cleaning products, t-shirts and lots and lots of food. 

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Vendors are just about everywhere

“This phenomenon started over 40 years ago and is now billed as The Largest Gathering Of RVers in the World”.

The Big Tent

We’re here, we’re gathering and we’re ready. Where are you?

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. I just looked at the picture of Three Socks, Joyce and I. What a hoot.

    Hope you all stay nice toasty around that campfire. We miss the wonderful, fun times we had in 2010. Make a lot of memories.

  2. Three Socks is wearing a sweater this week.

  3. Boy we are hoping to get there someday, looks like fun.

  4. We're just 2 hours west of the Q, but we'll be giving it a skip this year. It is a must see event though if you are an RVer.

  5. Aileen and were at Paul Winer's (aka the naked bookseller)music concert this afternoon and he had several layers of clothes on. He does an excellent boogie woogie piano. He spent about 25 years as a travelling blues piano player before starting the bookstore and becoming a fulltime Quartzsite resident.

  6. Have been there for six years now and just love it, usually spend a month or two in the area, Laposa west usually but this year not making it and feel almost depressed about it.
    But there is always another year right?
    Have too much fun.
    Want to see lotsa pictures, so don't feel too bad.

  7. I'm here. And there. And over there. So many groups to visit this year. In the few years we've been coming here I've not yet made it to any of the vendors. Too many people to see.

  8. I LOVE Quartzsite this time of year. And there's just no explaining it nor pictures that really capture what is here. It is something you just have to experience for yourself.

  9. where are we?..at home in British Columbia, keeping the 'light on' for our Canadian Blogging Friends!..one day we will be there too!

  10. We had such a great time last year. Wish we could be there but maybe next year. Hope you guys will be there because it wouldn't be fun without the group to sit around the fire with.


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