Friday, May 6, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day, Clamming and Flying


This is Mother’s Day weekend.  I’m not one of the lucky ones who will be sharing this day with their mother.   She was a young “66’ when she died.  You just never know when the time could come that you will no longer see her face, hear her voice or share . I still miss her every day and still shed tears when I think of her.momsday2

I truly never learned what the words, “I miss you,” were until I reached for my Mom’s hand and it wasn’t there …..

GraceHazlett078 GraceSandel076
Another week has passed.  Time seems to be moving on.  At this rate September will be here before we know it and we’ll be heading south for the winter again. 
I posted this on Facebook ….

Enough is enough! Get off the porch! The feeding trough is on the side of the cabin! Guess we're going to put up some kind of gate to block the deer from begging at the door!

A gate blocking the porch has just been purchased!



Last weekend we spent some time “flying”.  Our son and his wife joined us. Lee ended up flying the drone for the very first time and we were happy to report he didn’t crash it !

We’re off to the coast this weekend.  There is a –2.0 tide.  What does that mean?  It means the clam digging should be awesome!   These pictures are from our last clam digging adventure.  I had hoped to catch some photos with my drone but the winds will be kicking up so don’t plan on taking a chance on a fly away.

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Then, on Monday we’re off to Arizona for a late Mother’s Day with Terry’s mom.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Feeding those deer has created a monster.
    You are having more fun with that dang drone. Like a couple of kids.
    Good luck clamming.

  2. I'm just glad you're taking time to enjoy. You're always so busy with chores.

  3. I hear venison goes well with clams. You could have a feast! ;c)

    Happy Mother's Day to you, hope you have a great day. Maybe you can post some pictures of your day from your drone?

  4. Sounds like fun times , enjoy Arizona and the heat.

  5. Such a wild and varied life - love it!


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