Monday, December 28, 2015

Back in Florida


It’s always wonderful when we get to spend time with family.  Christmas seems to be the best of that time because all of us who can are together at the same time.  I love that most of all. 

Jordan at Christmas  ----     


One thing Sandi asked Aunt Sabrina to make was the army of penguins.  However,  a name change is in order since both Sandi and Justin are in the Navy.

Our time with family was amazing  but it was time to head back to Florida where we had left our motorhome. Our flight was scheduled to depart out of Portland just after midnight  early Saturday morning aka the “red-eye”.  We were on the same flight as Sandi to Dallas-Forth Worth on the first leg.   Our timing couldn’t have been more perfect.  Roads had been predicted to be a little icy on the trip to the Portland airport but the snow and ice waited until 
we were gone. 

Our cabin in Washington on Sunday -----   

We also missed the storms that went through Dallas and shut down that airport. 

We were happy that Sandi was upgraded to first class on the first flight.  Actually, the gate agent upgraded all active military on that flight!  What a nice thing to do and it was nicer yet that there were still two first class seats left for Terry and I.  From Dallas it was on to Fort Myers for us and to Pensacola for Sandi --- just as planned.  Sometimes things do work out.

The RV was where we left it.  Catching up on missed sleep was first on our agenda.  Recovering after being awake for over 40 hours takes more than just one day to recover. 


Temperatures are still hovering in the upper 80’s  but the forecast is for a little cooling.  We’ll be here for the month of January and then start heading north and probably west … a little at a time taking in Harry Potter World first   In the meantime, this month we hope to do more kayaking and visit the Keys.  That’s the plan.

One thing we did do upon arrival back in Florida was check out another kayak . Other than that, not much yet.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Enjoy Florida hope you waved to us as you flew over Arizona, lol..

  2. Glad you had fun with your family and spent part of your flight with Sandi.
    You'll love the Keys and will hate to leave. The only thing is everything costs more.
    We took our grandsons to Universal after we sold our home in 2011. At first Matthew didn't want to get on any of the rides. Then he didn't want to get off. We know that you'll enjoy it.
    Be safe!

    It's about time.

  3. You were very lucky to have avoided all the bad weather. Better buy a lottery ticket.

  4. Way cool for the upgrade for the military travelers! Such a nice thing for the airline to do to show their support for the troops. And for you, too, great troop supporters that you are!

    How about instead of a penguin army, a penguin "crew"? A little more nautical, eh? :c)

  5. Glad you're back and safe. Enjoy the warmth.

  6. That Sabrina is such a crafty person. The Penguins are adorable.

    Glad you missed all the bad weather. Enjoy your time in Florida with your friends. Happy New Year


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