On Wednesday Roger and Lynn pulled into a site just down the row from us. They didn’t have a long drive from where they had parked their motorhome previously so after they got set up, we went to tour Old Tucson. Old Tucson has been around for years. It’s famous for all the movies that have been filmed there. You most definitely step back in time in the old west town which became famous as more than 300 movies and TV shows were made in this old town!
Roger and I did the underground mine. We were actually looking for any gold that might have been left from the
mining since it’s no longer an active mine. Needless to say, we didn’t find even a morsel of gold. We also took a train ride around the park and stopped for lunch at one of their 4 restaurants. They had ice cream for dessert but I was good. I just watched them slurp it down. All that was really left was watching a gunfight and checking out the gift shops. That we did and then headed back to the campground.
Very early the next day Roger drove his motor home off to get it fixed AGAIN. He expected it to be a short day and back in his site later in the afternoon. That didn’t happen. He had to spend the night at the RV repair place. Not fun!
That evening we met John and Sharon (HeyDuke) just down the road at Tiny’s. This was definitely another unique dining experience. The place was a dive but dives like this are so much fun to find. The place was packed with folks. The interior was great, waitress good and large portions of anything you order should be expected. On top of that, we had wonderful table partners that we enjoyed spending the evening with.
Since we’re going to be boondocking for several days, we had a few projects we wanted to finish first. One was installing connections for small TVs that don’t pull as much power as our big one does. We have a couple 9” and one 13”. Another project was putting a new film over our door window. The other one was ripping and needed to
be replace.
Other than that I’ve been researching places to stay around Dallas. We are hoping to leave our motorhome unattended for about 10 days so need a safe place to put it. That’s a big project in itself.
We ended Friday with a great campfire.
‘Tis Life on the road
Thanks for taking us around there again, was a fun time.
ReplyDeleteNow that dive for dinner with John and Sharon looks like a fun place, our kinda pub.
Travel safe and hope Dallas warms up for you soon.
That was our kind of place too.
DeleteI didn't get to turn the key but we sure did enjoy that tour. Tell everybody hi for us.
ReplyDeleteI was just telling Bill a couple days ago that I wanted to see the missile silo - not usually my kind of deal, but it is a curiosity I'd love to see. Thank you for securing our safety, I'll sleep better now :-) Tiny's definitely looks like a great place. Good luck in your search for a nice spot for the rig to hang out while you're off on more adventures :-)))
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous that we aren't there enjoying all those fun times with y'all. Tiny's would have been great to eat, drink and talk, talk, talk.
ReplyDeleteI'm relived you saved the world with your time in the missile's commander's chair. I knew my faith in your talents and abilities is well founded... :cD
ReplyDeleteWe got a kick out of Old Tucson, it is a great place to relive Western Movies.
Once again I must thank you. We haven't been to "Old Tucson" and now we will.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at Escapade. I can honestly say, "Wish we there", not sure Doug would agree.
Paul got to turn the key when we took the tour. I really enjoyed learning about the silo and the history of it all.