Thursday, March 19, 2015

Change is in the Air !

louisianaChange is definitely in the air.  I bet no one doubts that for us.  Change was also in the air for the weather in the Dallas area.  It’s not that it was bad but it was foggy, cloud covered and dismal.  We didn’t like the weather but we knew about Texas weather.  If you hang in there long enough, the weather will change.  Guess what we decided to do?  You probably guessed it.  We did need to consider a few things first to be sure it was the best thing to do..

First of all, getting to and from the airport would be a nightmare with  traffic and all the 24 hour construction on the freeways especially at 6 AM in the morning.  Now, we could leave our vehicle with the motorhome and take Super Shuttle for just under $100 plus about an extra 2 1/2 hours of picking up everyone else on their list or we could opt for the other idea.  We had decisions to make. 

We talked about it.  That’s not quite true.  I kept talking and Terry finally agreed.  On to Louisiana we would go.  To begin with it was cheaper and faster getting to the Dallas airport from Shreveport than from far East Dallas.  That was a no brainer.  Plus I’m thinking it doesn’t matter if we get to Portland later because I never got any response from the kids when I sent our arrival information!!

We did have a few things to finish up before we got back on the road including getting together a bunch of staff we wanted to take  to Washington.  We could send it by FedEx or check it on the airplane with us.  The problem was we didn’t have a big suitcase for the airplane.  Terry and I only use small roller bags and very rarely check anything when we travel.  So, off to the Goodwill we went and found a perfect Samsonite bag for $5.98. What a deal!!  We’ll donate it back once we unpack the contents.

___19mar_2Remember Terry’s wonderful new inflatable kayak he tested in his sister’s pool?  Well, we had ___19mar_1been looking for a similar one for me. We loved the feel of his 13’ Advanced Element Advanced Frame but I wanted one a little lighter.  Just out of curiosity I checked out REI’s website.  They had the same one I had been looking for in stock at their store 3 miles from us.  Yippee!!  No shipping!!!   We couldn’t leave town without it.

I’ve always used Microsoft Streets and Trips to plan our travels.  Recently, I’m been fiddling around with Google Maps and discovered you really can teach an old dog new tricks.  This is my work in progress map for 2015 but it’s from Mapbox.  So much yet to do and so much yet to learn including how to get the feed small enough for a side panel from Mapbox and map centered in frame.   I’ve adjusted percentages and pixels and it just isn’t working yet.

The map above is just a picture and you can’t click on the pins for information.  The larger one below can be moved, enlarged, reduced, etc.  I’m not sure how to get it to stay in one position on the map.  Maybe I have to fit in longitude / latitude?  That’s a work in progress thing too.

The light blue pins will be where we’ve already been this year and the pinkish will eventually show where we think we’re going.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. You are like bumble bees. Hither and dither you go or fly.

  2. I get tired just trying to keep up with you guys. Have fun.

  3. How cool to find the suitcase and the kayak! Good shopping for sure.

    You two have a safe trip whenever you leave and to where ever you are going...hehe. I am lost.

  4. Hey, I had a problem with Streets and Maps. I told Doug the whole trip from Overton to Langley would be 1580 miles, he doubted that so I did it on Map Quest and it was only 1240 miles. What's up with that.

  5. I am sure you will be busy and having fun! Safe trip:)

  6. Love the "borrow from Goodwill for a small fee" plan for most everything we only need for a short time - like black dress and slacks for a funeral, or large serving platter for a specific one-time event. Congrats on the kayak!

  7. Great that you are moving about and we like to borrow from Goodwill as well.
    Have fun.
    Google maps is a gun program that I use for checking out all our travel routes. Used to use Streets and Trips, but not so much on my Mac, have to switch it into windows mode.
    The Google maps changed a year or so ago with a lot of changes took some getting used to.

  8. That's what we do, too. Hit the Goodwill when we need a suitcase to travel and then donate it back when we're finished. Sort of "renting" it. Have to be innovative when living in an RV.

    Safe travels, I always get a kick out of how you manage to fly around. :c)

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Streets and Trips... .I am using it right now a s we are moving down the road heading back home to Wisconsin. I love how it leaves "mouse trails" everywhere we have been, and I can put "push pins" with notes at any places on the maps. I like to keep separate maps of each trip we have taken for reference.

    I keep my laptop going all the while, with a GPS dongle from Streets and Trips out the USBport and sticks to the window. I love using the big laptop screen to navigate and see what is coming, change our route, search for stuff or log our miles and check miles to next town etc. Too bad they are not longer supporting it. I have not found a stand alone GPS that can do all that .....sigh.

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  10. Have fun you two! Glad you found the kayak....


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