Sometimes calling an RV your home, doesn’t have anything to do with traveling. Sometimes it’s all about living in a small house on wheels. Now some folks do it for just a few months a year and others choose it. They love the lifestyle, the people and the ability to travel. Regardless of how or why, sometimes living in a small house is just about living and not about anything else. Besides if you don’t like your neighbor, you can still move.
You may not have to worry about remembering to make a utility payment or mowing the grass but you do have to think about where you’re going to be and especially during periods of bad weather or even over holidays. There are still bills to pay but priorities are different. The most important bill may not be a mortgage. Instead the most important bills you pay might be your cell phone, Wi-Fi and satellite providers. After all, those are your link to the rest of the world no matter where you are.
Passing the time isn’t difficult. After all you usually find yourself in more new places each month than the rest of the population finds themselves in a lifetime. There are so many things to see even if it’s just looking outside the window at the ever changing terrain. The scenery comes and goes. The mountains, lakes, oceans roll past those windows as you move down the highway.
Everyone needs down time after a full day of exploring new surroundings. For us sometimes it’s sitting at the computer and planning our next outing. Or, it might be grabbing a book, working on genealogy, playing computer games, writing a blog or even watching a show on TV.
We’ve discovered Netflix. Had Mellincom not become part of Verizon and forced us to make a decision of whether
to up our gigabytes on AT&T with the specials they were offering at the time or sign up with Verizon, we might not have been able to take advantage of all Netflix had to offer.
With 40gb of data to use each month, we thought we had it covered. However, Terry’s Shroud of the Avatar is certainly taking a toll on that data with all the updates it’s doing right now. I guess I should be thankful we didn’t go with Verizon because we're getting more for less with AT&T and have discovered we are actually using it.
One of the museums I’d been hearing an awful lot about is in Mesa. It’s the CAF Commemorative Air Force Museum. I love airplane museums. Of course, that might have something to do with working for an airline or maybe it’s because we’ve been on hundreds (thousands?) of them. I don’t know but I never seem to get tired of checking out those on display and reading about the history of the different airplanes.
Many planes of the WWII era and later were there. We even got to walk through a B17 Bomber. You can sign up to take rides in some of the Warbird planes. However, the rides aren’t necessarily cheap as they run from $95 to about $850 in the nose for a 15-20 minute ride. We opted out of that.
The museum itself not only housed planes but also had an Arizona Walk of Honor for Arizonians in wars, enemy
artifacts and many other items of interest. We had to hurry our walk through because we hadn’t allowed enough time to visit the museum and still get to the Super Bowl party on time.
What can I say about the Super Bowl? Well, we had a good time at Terry’s uncle’s watching the game. It really was a good game and through most of it we were on the edge of our seat. We didn’t care so much for half-time (it was awful) and we didn’t care for the ending of the game. That was definitely a bad call on Carroll’s part. We were sure they’d run it in and we were sure the Seahawks had
won at that point. I guess it was kind of like the game before when we were sure the Packers had already won. However, this one was one heck of a stupid mistake.
Now that the teasing about the teams is over and with egg on my face, I must apologize to the Patriots’ fans and say, Congratulations as your team was the better team! I’ve even turned my Seahawks T-shirt inside out in shame.
This month is going to pass fast and then, we’ll be on the road again. First Tucson and then on to Dallas.
‘Tis life on the road.
small house, big house, small rv or a large behemoth..we all put our pants on the same leg at a time
ReplyDeleteenjoy the view out your windshield!
sure sounds like the two of you like to keep busy!!
As many times as we've been by there, we've never stopped.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your Seahawks. But what a game!!! We've been to that museum a couple of times and really liked seeing the planes they have.
ReplyDeleteIt was a very good game. I thought the Patriots would let them score, then have 30 seconds left to get in field goal range. But I liked this outcome better!! I liked the half time show.
ReplyDeleteGotta love the rv lifestyle, it just seems so natural.
ReplyDeleteWe have visited numerous air museums. Paul said enough. I really enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteGood game; bad ending.
I love planes! I have to visit that museum, I did get a chance to walk through that B-17 some years ago when it was at an air show in VA. Amazing how tight the quarters are in there.
ReplyDeleteWe love our home on wheels and the adventures. It's not for everyone, but it sure suits us!
ReplyDeleteNetflix is wonderful. We had it free for a month in Casa Grande. Want any recommendations?
ReplyDeleteHey, any team that makes it to the Super Bowl is a great team. That being said, of course I was happy that my team won!
ReplyDeleteI think one of the things that surprises me most is the vast number and variety of museums in every state. It's great that so much as been preserved for all of us to enjoy. Bill assures me we will need every bit of data we've signed up for.......we shall see :-)