Thursday, January 8, 2015

More Blogging and Tucson's Escapade

blog2Many of us say we blog to be able to keep a diary or to let family and friends know where we are and what’s going on in our life.  That’s not to say that family and friends care what’s going on in our lives because they may be so busy in their own.  However, I know it makes us all feel better just to think that maybe someone does care.  If not, at least we do and we know the friends we’ve made in the blogging world care too.

Blogging is not just an outlet to others, it’s an outlet to ourselves.  I love being able to go back and check what we did, where we went or where we stayed in the past.  Sometimes I’m pretty sketchy on details and other times a little too wordy.

Blogging is a social media and it’s definitely entertainment.  I’ve met a lot of people I share an interest with.  I hopereadinglist to meet a few more at the Blogger-Fest in Quartzsite in a couple weeks.    Isn’t it fun to meet the writers of the blogs we follow?  Notice a little update to the Blogger-Fest on the side panel.


You just never know when you’re going to meet someone you really connect with.  My reading list automatically populates every time a new blog is posted from someone I follow.  I’m not saying I read every blog I follow.  Sometimes there are just too many new ones so I pick and choose the blogs that interest me the most.  Maybe it’s because of the topic or maybe it’s because of the blogger.    

I’m sure everyone has a different reason for blogging, for reading and even keeping in touch with others.  I think it’s mostly our own entertainment.  It’s our diary.  It’s our bucket list.  It’s reaching out to others.  It’s our thoughts and feelings.  Blogging many times reveals what’s inside the person.  However, there are times when our interests 7Jan2015_1change.  There are many different blogging circles and thank goodness we don’t have to just belong to one.

Catfish at Charleston’s

We can express how we feel, what we’re thinking and even show a few of our favorite pictures.  I can tell you it’s sure cheaper entertainment than the visiting I’ve done at casinos lately!   It also holds less calories than the places we’ve eaten at recently.   In the last three days we’ve visited Abuelo’s, Charleston’s and Claim Jumper restaurants.  I’m still carrying all those calories with me but had I been blogging instead of packing in the food,  I would have been working a few of those calories off.


Terry’s mom at Claim Jumper

Other than losing $$$ at the casino and packing on calories at restaurants, we’ve been pretty busy folks.  We’ve been doing a lot of visiting with Terry’s aunt, uncle and mother.  We’ve also had quite a few outings, shared many family stories and had numerous genealogy discussions. 

For the next two months we have a very busy schedule.  We’ve been marking up our calendar and plotting new adventures.  Between Hawaii, Quartzsite and a doctor’s appointment in Portland, there aren’t a lot of free days left on it.  We blocked out more February days yesterday when we discovered Terry’s brother will be arriving in Phoenix from Virginia.  We also added a rally even though we've usually avoided RV rallies in the past because of the crowds.  However, the Escapade in Tucson caught our eye.  It’s close, it’s cheap and the seminars look interesting.  So, we booked it too.  After that, it’s back to Portland for a week or so … maybe.

Terry with his uncle in a heavy debate

‘Tis a busy life on the road.

A pessimist sees the difficult in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.


  1. I'm really hoping I'll be able to travel by then. Count me in! We're going to the Escapadee and the Good Sam Rally at PIR. Hard to believe two national rallies that close together in distance and time.

    1. I hope you can make it!! I only know a couple other folks going to Escapade. Hopefully, we'll hear from more who are attending.

    2. Is the Good Sam Rally at PIR you are referring to Portland International Raceway by any chance?

    3. I believe the Good Sam Rally is at the Phoenix International Raceway. The Escapade Rally is at Tucson.

  2. And blogging is 'work' also. I gotta be in just the right mood - which as evidenced by my lack of posts lately I haven't been in that 'mood'. LOL I sure do admire the folks that can Blog daily.

  3. We plan to get away and head to Q for a few days on the 20th...let us know where you are boondocking so we can join your circle for a few nights...we will be checking out the Big Tent and other vendors while we are there but would love to hang out with you guys at the campfires.

    1. There's always room for more around our campfire. We just pull the chairs out farther. We'll post the GPS coordinates about the 20th for whoever wants to join us. Looking forward to seeing you.

  4. Boy does mom look good! Can't wait to hear how much fun you two have in Hawaii. Safe travels. Enjoy!

    We turn our blog posts into a book each year. Just in case something happens to the Internet version. My dad follows us on the Internet but really likes looking at our books each time we get them. He loves looking at the photos. What a hoot.

  5. Would love to make the blog fest, but will be at a rally in MS.

  6. And sometimes we blog because we feel like talking. :)

  7. Looking forward to seeing you in Q! Seems like it has been eons since we have "talked"

    1. Yay! Glad you're going to be joining us! See you in Q.

  8. And people want to know what retired people do with all their spare time. Ha!!!

    1. Spare time? What's that? We even had to adjust our calendar after I posted that blog today. Another February date needed to be knocked out.

  9. Occasionally I've started to use a word for emphasis that I then take out because I remember Bill's mother reads the blog :-) I completely agree with your thoughts on blogging. I started it for one reason and have added a few more for maintaining it. Bill has his last inventory to get through so I literally won't know until the afternoon of the 19th if we can get away to the Q. If we can, you bet we'll be there :-) Looks like your 2015 is starting out as fun-filled as your 2014 ended!

    1. I'd really like to meet you so I hope you'll be able to attend!


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