Thursday, March 7, 2013

Won the Jackpot!

Electricity is really just organized lightning.

Electricity was supposed to be out at the park on Tuesday and also on the California side of the river.  We were planning on it.  With all that solar sitting on our roof we figured we probably wouldn’t notice it at all.  We were right.  We didn’t but maybe that was because our power didn’t go out at all.  We had already planned on taking a late afternoon ride for a late lunch with Linda. Originally the late ride was because with power out, we wouldn’t be able to run the air conditioner and it was supposed to be quite warm that afternoon.


We went for the ride anyway.  We ended up at the Pirate’s Den for an early dinner.  The Pirate's Den is on the Arizona side of the river.  It's a new RV park with a restaurant and bar area.  It had been built right next to the La Paz County Park.  We had visited the area in November and loved the setting.  This was our time to return and try out the menu.  It was a pretty great place to visit.  Evidently all three of us are fans of the Red Robin’s bonzai burgers and that’s what we ordered here. 


With the sand at our feet, palm trees flapping in the breeze and the boats whizzing by, we had a little bit of a feel like we were in the Caribbean. Linda treated ….. thank you, Linda.  We were also thankful the pirates weren’t busy that day.   This is another fun place and we’ll be back!!

We found a place for Sassy to park!


That’s right!  I won big the other night.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays quite a bingo crowd gathers in the club house.  I’ve never won a bingo game until now and I won big!  The cost to play was about $11 per person but I walked away with an extra $65 I hadn’t expected to have.  It’s also amazing how far this $65 can spread.  Whoopee!  We have gas money!


The following morning we headed into town.  We had money burning in our pockets from all that bingo cash.  Well, that wasn’t quite it.  The laundry needed to be done and we had no detergent.  Duchess needed food and she had none of that either.  My winnings took care of those expenses too.

We knew we could make reservations at this park for two weeks but we only made it for one. _March710 After all we had other places we wanted to visit.  We were starting our northward journey and this was just a stopping off place.  However, after spending a few days here we liked it so much we decided to extend for another week.  Only time will tell if we really spend another full week but at least we have that option now.  Besides I won that extra money at bingo and that just about covers the cost of the whole week!

This was the morning exercise group.  Don’t look for me in that lineup.  I was busy watching and eating breakfast.  That was my morning exercise.

_March712The Tiki Bar is a hopping place here during happy hour.  People seem to flood in for the specials.  We were no exception on Wednesday.  We met Linda there and again used some of that bingo money for dinner.  Again, it’s amazing how far that jackpot can go.  We’ll take the rest of it with us to Lake Havasu in a few days.  I think we have some left.  Maybe we’ll even win more tonight.

 Linda and Terry having dinner at the Tiki Bar

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Great to hit the jackpot and have all that extra cash.
    And nice that plns can be changed anytime we like, the beauty of this lifestyle. Have fun.

  2. Well BIG winner...hope you will still associate with us losers.

    The Park looks awesome. Nice to see a photo of Linda. I liked the photo she had of you two on your blog.

  3. Bingo! Congrats on the big win! Glad to see you skipped that morning exercise class to study the breakfast menu - all that thought and deliberation has to work off a few calories.

  4. Wow, and to think we knew you when! Hope you'll still associate with us poor people now that you're so wealthy... ;c)

  5. I am so glad you like my home park. It will be fun next year when you two, and the Lavins, and I all get here at the same time. Wonder who else we can talk into coming?

  6. Where in Havasu are you going to be staying? We are at the Colorado Adventures with a plan to leave on the 15th heading to Bullhead City for a week...using our Coast to Coast points while biding some time with nothing to do.

    Where are you guys now? We have week stays all over this area...after Bullhead, Needles, then Ehrenberg, then Earp, then Desert Hot Springs...we have loads of time to be idle for now unless we find some work now before we head to San Diego in May to work the fairs again.

    We have Bingo night tonight....hope we are as lucky as you guys!

  7. Have you thought about the impact your big winnings will have on next years taxes? Spend wisely.

  8. Wow! Gas money, eating out, plus a week of camping. I think you should teach a financial seminar. With that record I bet you could get a crowd. Way to go.

  9. Noticed that gorgeous motorcycle even before I read the text. LOL

    BINGO ! WOW, You would have even been able to talk me into joining you. I haven't played BINGO in about 40 years !!

  10. Oh, BTW I'm going to be stopping in Las Vegas on my way North. Maybe some of your BIG WINNINGS luck will rub off on me. Fingers crossed.

  11. I wouldn't even know how to play bingo...or any other "good Luck" games for that sake. But good that you won the jackpot. Wouldn't it be nice to win the jackpot in the lottery?


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