Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Auld Lang Syne

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in.  A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

I could have posted a title wishing everyone Happy New Year.  I figured there would be lots of blogs out there with that.  2012 is now behind us and all that remain are the memories.  Thus, Auld Lang Syne  … for the sake of old times ... is pretty relevant.

--  Soon this park tree will be  boxed and stored for another Christmas.

The clubhouse at the park had a New Year’s get together last evening.  Terry, of course, didn’t go because he’s still on an uphill battle trying to knock the bug he picked up.  I walked to the clubhouse with Toni and Doug for about an hour.    I think if you knew a lot of folks it would be fun visiting but most found a chair, ate some finger foods and talked to folks at their own table.  The best part to me were the Lairds.  They are certainly mighty fine people.  Our RVs have been back to back for nearly a month.  However, tomorrow we’ll be saying So Long for a few weeks as we both head our separate ways.

Instead of staying up late to bring in the New Year Terry and I rolled into bed before the clock struck twelve.  Once the sun goes down it gets pretty chilly but snuggling under the electric blanket makes that chill not so noticeable.  However, this morning it seemed nippier than ever. The -party_1temperature in the motorhome had dropped to 47 degrees.  Now that’s cold.  Even though it was still only 4:30 AM, I hopped out of bed and had our propane heater and our electric heater going.  It’s still not as cozy as being under an electric blanket but those little heaters make a big difference and keeping Duchess warm is important too.  Besides I can always take a nap later.

Party Hats -- 

With each year come changes.  2012 was no different.  We had a few changes.  We sold our cabin close to the lake only to regret it and buy another cabin just down the road.  That’s a continuing work-in-progress project.  We also sold a couple of the ATVs we bought the year before and replaced them with a Polaris RZR – that will probably change this year too.  We're tired of pulling a trailer and all the extra work having one brings. Terry also lost his father.

In the meantime we feel we have the best of all worlds.  We have the absolute best family and some mighty wonderful friends who are scattered all over this country.  Speaking of this country … we also know we live in the best country on earth.  I would say we’re mighty lucky people. 

Now come the resolutions for some.  I long ago stopped making those resolutions.  They cause stress.  I’ve come to learn there's no reason to make them if I’m not going to keep them.  Diet is at the top of many lists. If I made resolutions maybe that would be on mine too.  However, that would mean I'd have to give up good food.  We all love to eat and especially at the holidays.  Lots of people worry about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year but they really should be worry more about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.

 -- Here's a toast to you and to the New Year.  I have to toast you with hot tea as it's too cold for anything else!!  

We're wishing the best of everything to our family, friends and fellow bloggers during 2013.  I’m sure a lot of adventures await all of us over the next twelve months.  Here's our toast to you and we're hoping the adventures are all good ones.

Happy New Year.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Hope you have a very safe travel day. Happy New Year. Best to the three of you in the upcoming year.

  2. Hope you have a happy, healthy and wonderful 2013!

  3. You guys...! We have really enjoyed having you close for this past month. We wish you both the very best.

  4. One of our best highlights of 2012 was meeting you both in person at Q and getting to know you. We're hoping for a repeat in 2013! Happy New Year!

  5. It was really cold in our rig this morning - our propane tank had run out and Jim had to go out and switch them. Warmed up nicely after that. Looking forward to seeing you soon. My resolution for 2013 - to just enjoy each day as it comes.

  6. Hope you find the warm weather soon!!..safe travels to you all in 2013!!

  7. Hope your travels are safe and rewarding and maybe you and Terry can make Hannibal this year.

  8. I'm with you on the resolutions - it always seemed to be a bad idea to me. All the best for a great 2013.


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